Council Note du Conseil

Élections de l'AÉSISSA Elections 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!

28 February 2011

Ottawa Public Library Launches iPhone App!

The OPL iPhone App is available for download!  
  • Search the catalogue and use the geo-locator to find the branch closest to your location. 
  • Renew borrowed items, reserve items and view items you have checked out.
  • See new arrivals.
  • Read comments and reviews from other library users.
For more info visit OPL's website.

Coming soon: apps for Android-powered smart phones.

25 February 2011

U-Pass Price Freeze!

OC Transpo orginally proposed a price increase of 2.5% for the U-Pass.  Since it is too late in the year to hold another referendum to accept a price increase, the City of Ottawa's interim transit commission agreed to freeze the price of the U-Pass at $145 for another year.

Read the story in the Ottawa Citizen and the Metro.
More information about the U-Pass is available at and on OC Transpo's website.

24 February 2011

Conférences interdisciplinaires de la GSAÉD / GSAÉD's Interdisciplinary Conference

La GSAED lance sa 14e édition des Conférences interdisciplinaires!

Conférencière: Geneviève Azam
Le mercredi 2 mars 2011, 14 h
Chapelle Tabaret, salle 112, Pavillon Tabaret
Université d'Ottawa
Entrée gratuite - Ouverte au public
Ces conférences se tiendront les quatre premiers mercredis du mois de mars. Elles donneront l'occasion à des étudiants diplômés de partager le fruit de leurs travaux de recherche avec la communauté universitaire et le grand public. Des conférences données par certains professeurs(es) de l'Université d'Ottawa sont également prévues au programme.

Nos activités proposent cette année d’explorer le thème rassembleur "État de nature" sous divers angles disciplinaires, des arts et des sciences sociales aux sciences et au génie, en passant par le droit et l'éducation. Elles mettront de l’avant des questions actuelles nous touchant tous, en tant que chercheurs et en tant que citoyens.

Pour plus d'informations:
Jonathan Duguay
Commissaire aux affaires universitaires, GSAED, et Responsable des Conférences
Téléphone : 613.562.5800 x3011
Courriel :
Site Web :!/profile.php?id=100001780238076


GSAED launches its 14th edition of the Interdisciplinary Conference!

Speaker: Geneviève Azam
Wednesday, March 2 , 2011, 2PM
Tabaret Chapel, Room 112, Tabaret Hall
University of Ottawa
Free - Public Event - In French  

The conferences will be held the first four Wednesdays of the month of March 2011. They will give the opportunity to graduate students to share their research with both the university community and the general public. Professors of the University of Ottawa will also be featured during the events.

The theme of this year's edition is "State of Nature". The relationship between man, society and the environment will thus be explored under all perspectives, from arts and social sciences to pure sciences and engineering, including law and education. Papers submitted by students offer creative and innovative perspectives on this theme. They will put forward current questions that matter to all of us as researchers and as citizens.

For further information:
Jonathan Duguay
GSAED University Affairs Commissioner and Head of the Conferences
Phone: 613-562-5800 #3011

North Bay Regional Health Centre job posting

Ce poste était affiché sur le site du Centre régional de santé de North Bay


The non-union position of Librarian will manage the efficient and effective operation of the large regional health sciences library for use by hospital staff, those with hospital privileges, and students to support clinical and administrative decision making, research and formal and self-directed educational programs.

The ideal candidate will be an organized individual with effective time management, verbal and written communication skills. Required qualifications include successful completion of a Master’s Degree in Library Sciences or in a related field; proficiency in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint); recent experience in cataloguing principles and procedures, conventional and computerized references sources and online searching. Experience with current evidence-based and related health and social service literature (print and electronic) along with relevant local, regional, national and international electronic resources is required. Collaboration with all types of healthcare staff, budgeting principles, copyright law and practices, principles and practices of management and information security and safety are also considered requirements of this position.

The ability to support and contribute to a culture of safety and prevention of adverse health events in the organizations is required. An excellent attendance and work record is required. A recent Criminal Reference Verification is required for this position. Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.

Note: A Criminal Reference Verification (recent as of two months) will be required for all external hires as a pre-condition of employment. Current NBGH employees are exempt.

For an opportunity to be part of our exciting future, please submit your resume and covering letter quoting File NU-A-11-003 to:

Human Resources
50 College Drive
P.O. Box 2500
North Bay, ON P1B 5A4
Fax: (705) 495-7977

We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for their interest. An acknowledgement will be sent only to those candidates who will be interviewed.

22 February 2011

Collation des grades printemps 2011 Spring Convocation

Vous comptez terminer votre programme en avril 2011?
N'oubliez pas de remplir et de soumettre le formulaire "Inscription au grade et demande de diplôme" au plus tard le 31 mars 2011.

If you are eligible to graduate this spring, you should have received an invitation in your uottawa email account by now - if you haven't but should have, do contact the office.
In order to graduate and receive your diploma you must request it by March 31st 2011.
You may do so through your student account through uoZone Here you can confirm your attendance at the Convocation Ceremony for Saturday, June 11th at 7:30 pm at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, or you can opt to have your diploma mailed to you if preferred.

Pour plus d'information sur la Collation des grades, visitez le site Web du registraire de l'Université d'Ottawa.

Au plaisir de vous revoir le 11 juin 2011!

17 February 2011

CLA Student Article Contest

The deadline for the Student Article Contest is fast approaching - March 31. The Award is generously sponsored by Micromedia ProQuest!


First Prize is AMAZING!!!!

* Free registration, accommodation and transportation to the CLA National Conference in Halifax from May 25- 28
* $ 150 cash prize
* The winning article will be published in Feliciter, the magazine of the Canadian Library Association/Association canadienne des bibliothèques. (Winning articles in French would appear in both official languages).


First runner-up receives:
$75 choice of CLA/ALA publications.
$150 cash prize

Second runner-up receives:
$75 choice of CLA/ALA publications.
$100 cash prize


The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program, or faculty of education library program.

Registered students may be full or part time; graduates should have completed their studies within one year of the competition's closing date of March 31, annually. Articles submitted must be written while the student is enrolled in a program of study, or within one year of
graduation. Each contestant must submit a faculty member's statement attesting to the
fact that the article fulfills the above requirements.


Multiple-author papers are eligible, but in the event such a paper is selected, only one prize will be awarded.

Submissions may be in English or French.

Articles should discuss, analyse or evaluate, in a clear and readable style, timely issues in librarianship or information science. Conclusions and premises should follow logically, and statements should be supported. Essays or term papers should be reworked into an article suitable for publication. The style should be informal but informative. References, if required, should be drawn from Canadian sources as much as possible and follow CL's style sheet, and also available from the CLA Office at (613) 232.9625 ext. 322 or e-mail:

Originality - All manuscripts must be the original, unpublished work of the contestant(s). Entries must be submitted exclusively to the Canadian Library Association/Association canadienne des bibliothèques during the competition period.


Format for Submission

Manuscript length should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words, typewritten on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, double spaced, with generous margins. One copy should be submitted electronically to the following address, no later than March 31, annually.

Email to:

Student Article Contest
Canadian Library Association
1150 Morrison Drive
Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K2H 8S9

Tel: (613) 232-9625
Fax: (613) 563-9895

Please Note: Include a separate page containing the following information:
Full title of entry; name of the author(s); home address and telephone number; name of the program in which author(s) is/are registered; and a faculty member's verification. This should be on letterhead of the institution in which author(s) is/are registered.

Soirée Pub! | Pub Night!

Venez célébrer une élection réussie et rencontrer le nouveau conseil exécutif de l'AÉSISSA de 2011/12!

TIRAGE pour deux cartes-cadeaux de 20$ de Chapters!   
Date : le vendredi 4 mars 2011
Heure : 18 h 00
Lieu : Royal Oak - 221, promenade Echo (2e étage)

Come and celebrate a successful election and meet the new AÉSISSA executive council for 2011/12!

PRIZE DRAW for two $20 Chapters cards!
Date: Friday, March 4, 2011
Time: 6pm
Location: Royal Oak - 221 Echo Drive (2nd floor)

16 February 2011

ABRCN - La semaine de la liberté d'expression 2011 | LANCR - Freedom to Read Week 2011

Freedom to Read Week 2011 - Semaine de la liberte d'expression 2011
Nos invités spéciaux et participants discuteront des problématiques actuelles de la censure au niveau local et international, ainsi que leurs expériences dans le monde de la lecture.

Invités spéciaux:
  • Donna Presz, Coordinatrice du Centre des Resources Pédagogiques, Derry Byrne. Ottawa Catholic School Board;
  • Alan Cumyn, auteur de The Famished Lover et plusieurs autres livres pour enfants et adultes , président de The Writers’ Union of Canada, et ancien président du Comité des écrivains en prison de PEN Canada;
  • Dr. Mary Cavanagh, bibliothécaire publique et professeure adjointe, École des sciences de l’information, Université d’Ottawa (et Max Neuvians)
Quand? le mercredi 23 février 2011 à 18h
Où? Royal Oak Laurier, 161 ave Laurier est
Coût? Membres de l’ABRCN: gratuit; Invité(e)s: 5$
RSVP à avant le dimanche 20 fév

Vistez le blogue de l'ABRCN pour télécharger une affiche à imprimer et partager!

Freedom to Read Week 2011 - Semaine de la liberte d'expression 2011
Invited guests and participants will discuss current censorship issues on the local and international stage, and their experiences dealing with book challenges.

Special Guests:
  • Donna Presz, Library Services Supervisor, Derry Byrne Teacher Resource Centre, Ottawa Catholic School Board;
  • Alan Cumyn, author of The Famished Lover and other books for adults and children, chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada, and past chair of the writers in prison committee of PEN Canada.
  • Dr. Mary Cavanagh, public librarian and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa’s newly established School of Information Studies (and Max Neuvians)
When? Wednesday, February 23, 2011 @ 6 pm
Where? Royal Oak Laurier, 161 Laurier Ave. East
Cost? LANCR members: free; Non-members: $5
RSVP Before Sunday, Feb 20th to

Visit the LANCR blog to download and print a poster!

15 February 2011

Concours photos | Photo Contest

La GSAED organise un concours de photos dans le cadre de ses Conférences interdisciplinaires du mois de mars 2011.

Tous les é diplômés.ées de l'Université d'Ottawa peuvent soumettre jusqu'à deux photos sous le thème "État de nature".

Pour participer, et pour plus de détails, visitez:
GSAED will hold a photo contest during its Interdisciplinary Conferences to be held in March 2011.

All graduate students of the University of Ottawa are invited to submit up to two photos under the theme "State of Nature".

To participate and for further information, please visit:

Départ de Chantal Sanscartier - card available to sign

L'AÉSISSA aimerait souligner le départ de Chantal Sanscartier, notre adjointe administrative à l'ÉSIS. Chantal a été une personne ressource importante pour les étudiants dans ces premières années du programme.

Chantal's last day at the ESIS office is Friday of this week - AÉSISSA has provided a card in the student lounge so that students may sign it and/or write her a message in it if they would like. The Association will offer her the card with a small thank you gift this Friday.

Joignez-vous à nous en lui remerciant et lui souhaitant bonne chance dans ses nouveaux projets!

14 February 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l’Exécutif! | Congratulations to the new Executives!

Mise à jour: nous avons une nouvelle Présidente!

Puisqu’aucun des postes sont contestés cette année, l’AÉSISSA ne tiendra pas une élection complète.

Nous vous présentons donc le Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA pour l'année académique 2011-2012 :
  • Président - Emily Hanlon 
  • Agent des finances - Cam Laforest
  • Représentant des étudiants à temps partiels - Jason Friedman
  • Représentant des étudiants à plein temps - Caroline Monin
  • Agent des Communications - Valery Tardiff
  • Webmestre - Max Neuvians
  • Agent de planification d’événements - Kathryn West
Update: we have a new President!

Since none of the positions are being contested this year, AÉSISSA will not be holding a full election.

Introducing AÉSISSA’s Executive Council for the 2011-2012 academic year:
  • President - Emily Hanlon
  • Financial Officer - Cam Laforest
  • Part-time student representative - Jason Friedman
  • Full-time student representative - Caroline Monin 
  • Communications Officer - Valery Tardiff
  • Webmaster - Max Neuvians
  • Events Planning Officer - Kathryn West

12 February 2011

Fulcrum - now available at 200 Lees!

Have you heard of The Fulcrum?

Established in February 1942, the Fulcrum is the independent English-language student newspaper at the University of Ottawa.

There are copies available on the main campus, health sciences campus & online. AÉSISSA has been pushing for more inclusion at 200 Lees; Fulcrum is now available at 200 Lees as of last week! To my knowledge, they are situated just left of the entrance, as you walk towards the School of Information Studies.

Grab a copy - have a read!

Nous attendons aussi des copies de La Rotonde, le journal étudiant indépendant francophone de l'Université d'Ottawa. L'AÉSISSA travaille présentement avec La Rotonde pour assurer des copies au 200 Lees!

09 February 2011

Salon du livre de l'Outaouais du 24-27 février 2011

"Le plaisir de vivre des aventures, de rêver et de réfléchir; le plaisir de prendre du temps pour soi, quand on le veut, où on le veut; le plaisir de découvrir, d’apprendre, de connaître et de s’émerveiller. Il n’y a qu’un seul endroit où tous ces plaisirs se rencontrent et c’est sous les couvertures… d’un livre !

Du 24 au 27 février 2011, faites-vous du bon temps et venez au Salon du livre de l’Outaouais. Au menu de cette fête de la littérature : des rencontres, des découvertes et… le plaisir !!"

08 February 2011

Réunion avec l`expert-conseil / Meeting with consultant : DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA -FOLLOW UP

Hi all,

This is just a quick message to say that if you would still like to make some anonymous comments about our program and school that you can email Dr. Elizabeth Aversa directly at (I would say no later than this Friday). These comments can be about what you like most about our program, what you like the least and they can touch on all aspects academic and social.

Thanks to all of those who did turn out today, you opinions are all important in making our program a success.

Référendum sur la Maison des diplômés : Séance d’information | Grad House Referendum: Information Session

Note: the English version of the referendum question has been corrected.

La GSAÉD planifie une expansion importante de l'espace étudiant. Le projet de la « Maison des diplômés » offrirait un espace étudiant, géré par les étudiants, payé par les étudiants et serait la propriété des étudiants.

« Êtes-vous d’accord pour payer une cotisation de 22,50 $ par étudiant par session pour les coûts de construction et de maintien d’une “Maison des diplômés” [...]? »
Pour en apprendre davantage et pour partager vos opinions, venez à une présentation spéciale pour les étudiants de l’ÉSIS.
Le mardi 15 février
14 h 30 – 15 h 30
200, avenue Lees, B-152

 Lisez à propos de ce projet dans La Rotonde

GSAÉD is planning a MASSIVE student space expansion. The “Grad House” project would be for the students, managed by the students, paid for by the students and be the property of students.

“Do you agree to pay a levy of $22.50 per student per session for the construction and maintenance costs of a ‘Grad House’ [...]?”

To learn more and to share your opinions, come to a special presentation for ÉSIS students.
Tuesday, February 15th
2:30pm – 3:30 pm
200 Lees Ave, B-152

Nancy Pearl's Rule of 50 for dropping a bad book

So many books to read, so little time.  Life's too short to read bad books!

"But how many pages should I read before I can guiltlessly stop reading a book?”
Read Nancy Pearl's Rule of 50 to find out.

07 February 2011

Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship

"In 2006 the May Court Grants Committee recommended to the Board that funds received from the bequest of Susan Anderson be utilized to sponsor a Scholarship in her memory. She spent many years of her life as one of the librarians at the Parliamentary Library in Ottawa as well as a dedicated volunteer to the Rykert Library at the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus a service which is offered by the May Court Club of Ottawa. Her interest in and support for the Club never failed.

To recognize her tremendous contribution to the Club and to society, the Board has established the Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship in the Master’s Program in Information Studies at the University of Ottawa."

Get more details and access the application form at the May Court Club website.

06 February 2011

Élections de l'AÉSISSA - période de mise en candidature / AÉSISSA Elections - Nominations period

AÉSISSA : à vous la relève!

L’AÉSISSA est à la recherche de candidats pour pourvoir les postes du Conseil exécutif
2011- 2012. Le Conseil exécutif se compose de 7 membres élus par les étudiants de l’ÉSIS. Les élections auront lieu du 8 au 10 mars 2011.

Les postes sont :
  • Président
  • Agent des finances
  • Affaires académiques, représentant des étudiants à plein temps
  • Affaires académiques, représentant des étudiants à temps partiels
  • Agent des communications
  • Webmestre
  • Agent de planification d’événements
Si vous aimiez faire partie du Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA, veuillez envoyer votre nom et
le(s) poste(s) pour lequel/lesquels vous aimeriez poser votre candidature par courriel à avant le vendredi 11 février à 16 h.

N'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous si vous avez des questions :

AÉSISSA: yours to continue!

AÉSISSA is looking for candidates to fill positions for the 2011-2012 Executive Council. The Executive Council is composed of 7 members, who are elected by ÉSIS students. Elections will take place March 8-10, 2011.

The positions are:
  • President
  • Financial Officer
  • Academic Affairs, full-time students representative
  • Academic Affairs, part-time students representative
  • Communications Officer
  • Webmaster
  • Events Planning Officer
If you are interested in becoming a part of AÉSISSA’s Executive Council, submit your name and the position(s) for which you would like to be nominated to before 4pm on Friday, February 11th.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

05 February 2011

uO ombudsman/ombudsperson

Au service de toute la communauté universitaire, le Bureau de l’ombudsman conseille et informe les parties pour aider à résoudre conflits et problèmes avec impartialité et indépendance, en toute confidentialité.

Visitez leur site web pour plus d'infos!
Serving the entire University community, the Office of the Ombudsperson provides impartial and independent advice and information to parties to assist in resolving disputes and problems, with complete confidentiality.

Visit their website for more info!

Élections générales de la GSAÉD de 2011 | 2011 GSAÉD General Elections

Les élections générales ont pour but de combler les postes de cadres exécutifs de l'Association et les représentant(e)s des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s auprès du Sénat de l'Université et du Bureau des gouverneurs de l’Université.

Si vous êtes intéressé à se présenter pour un poste ou si vous souhaitez aider à organiser des élections et les référendums (Maison des diplômés et GRIPO), voir le site web de la GSAÉD pour plus d'informations.

The GSAÉD General Elections seek to fill the positions of Executive Officers of the Association and of graduate student representatives to the University Senate and the University Board of Governors.

If you are interested in running for a position or would like to assist with the organization of the elections and referendums (Grad House and OPRIG), see GSAÉD's website for more information.

Note: Stay tuned for more information about the Grad House Project!

04 February 2011

Réunion avec l`expert-conseil / Meeting with consultant : DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA

***RÉUNION AVEC L’EXPERT-CONSEIL, MME ELIZABETH AVERSA*** : mardi, le 8 février, 17h à 18h, dans la pièce B-165 (à noter, Mme Bureau a accepté de commencer le cours de catalogage à 18h pour permettre aux étudiants d’y participer)

Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas assister, je vous invite à soumettre vos commentaires par écrit – même de façon anonyme, ou dans une enveloppe scellée – et je les transmettrai directement à Mme Aversa. Priez de soumettre de tels commentaires à Lynne avant 17h le 8 février.

***MEETING WITH CONSULTANT, DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA***: Tues, Feb. 8, 5-6pm, in room B-165 (Note: Mme Bureau has agreed to delay the start of the cataloguing class to 6pm to allow students to participate)

Any student who is unable to attend the meeting is invited to submit comments in writing – which can be anonymous or enclosed in a sealed envelope – and I will pass them directly to Dr. Aversa. Please submit any comments to Lynne before 5pm on Feb. 8.

Carleton U MacOdrum Library tour

Carleton University MacOdrum Library tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region.

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in a university library? What do university librarians do on a daily basis? Join us for a tour of the Carleton University MacOdrum Library. During the tour you will visit the various service units and the Learning Commons area of the Library.

Location: Carleton University MacOdrum Library, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011

Time: 2:00-3:30pm. Please meet at the Research Help Desk on the Main Floor (Level 2) of the Library. Library floor plan.

RSVP: Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 8 2011.

Note: For uOttawa MLS students-there is a free shuttle between uOttawa and Carleton.

Please email if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!