Council Note du Conseil

Élections de l'AÉSISSA Elections 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!

31 January 2011

Emplois d'été à la Bibliothèque publique d'Ottawa | Summer Student Jobs at the Ottawa Public Library

Adjoint, Programme de bibliothèque
Plusieurs postes
Affiliation : Emploi d'été, Section locale 503 du SCFP (Bibliothèque)
Échelle salariale : 13,55 $ - 15,84 $ à l'heure (Taux de rémunération de 2011)

Renseignements importants :
Concours no : OPL2011-10021444-SS
Date limite : le 25 février 2011

Résumé des fonctions :

Vous aiderez les succursales de la bibliothèque à offrir des programmes d’alphabétisation et d’information destinés aux enfants pendant les mois d’été.

Cliquez ici pour voir l'offre d'emploi complet et pour postuler.
Library Program Assistant
Multiple Positions
Affiliation: Summer Student, CUPE 503 Library
Salary: $13.55 - $15.84 / hour (2011 Rates of pay)
Important Information:
Competition #: OPL2011-10021444-SS
Deadline: February 25, 2011
Job Summary:
Assist library branches in the provision of children’s literacy and information based programs throughout the summer months. 
Click here to see the full job advertisement and to apply.

Stop the Meter On Your Internet Use!

The CRTC just made a decision that paves the way for new internet fees to be added to your bill. To stop this we need to raise our voices now more than ever.

This means Internet prices are on the rise for everyone: me, you, and your local libraries who already try to provide Internet access to those who can't afford it at home.

Si vous êtes aussi frustrée que moi, prenez quelques secondes pour remplir la pétition contre cette décision en ligne! J'ai aussi pris le temps de le partager sur mon compte Facebook.
Don't complain while making dinner, speak up!

28 January 2011

Live-in for Literacy Week

« Live-in for Literacy » est une initiative organisée par des étudiants. Cette année, 10 universités canadiennes y participent, dont l’Université d’Ottawa. L’objectif de la campagne est de recueillir 27,000 $ afin de construire six bibliothèques scolaires en Inde. Du 27 janvier au 3 février 2011, deux étudiants camperont durant 7 jours consécutifs au deuxième étage de l’édifice Morisset afin de lever des fonds pour cette cause.


Live-in for Literacy is a student initiative across ten university campuses (including the University of Ottawa). This year’s goal is to raise $27,000 to build six school libraries in India. From January 27 to February 3rd 2011, two students will camp out in tents on the 2nd floor of the Morisset building for 7 consecutive days to raise money for this cause.

Check out the Live-in for Literacy website for more details:
Live webcam video of participating students:

Expanding Our Horizons, Evaluating Our Parameters The Third North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO) Call for Participation

The submission deadline for NASKO 2011 proposals has been extended to
February 15, 2011.

Expanding Our Horizons, Evaluating Our Parameters: The Third North
American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)
Conference Venue: Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Conference Dates: June 16-17, 2011

Read the Call for Participation online at

26 January 2011

OLA Super Conference Meet Up!

ÉSIS students and faculty attending the OLA Super Conference next week are going to meet for coffee.

When?  Thursday, Feb 3 at 8:30 am
Where?  Registration Desk at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre

Join us for a brief orientation session to get the low down on exhibits and sessions!

79ème congrès de l’ACFAS

Appel de communications

Colloque tenu dans le cadre du 79ème congrès de l’ACFAS
Université de Sherbrooke, 12-13 mai 2011

Thématique et objectifs du colloque

De par leur popularité, les messages textos (aussi appelés SMS) sont devenus un véritable phénomène de société. Utilitaires, ludiques, informatifs, ils peuvent remplir une multitude de fonctions et varier selon les utilisateurs eux-mêmes, les environnements sociaux et linguistiques dans lesquels ils se trouvent et les objectifs qu’ils visent. Cette variation pose d’importants défis pour ceux qui désirent recenser et comprendre leur fonctionnement, les traiter par des systèmes informatifs et comprendre leur effet sur la communication en général.

Lire la suite pour savoir comment soumettre des propositions de communication...

Human Library Program coming to Ottawa

Vous avez peut-être lu cet article dans les journaux aujourd'hui?

The Ottawa Public Library is working to launch its own version of the Human Library, a program where users can "sign out" people from different backgrounds for a conversation.

24 January 2011

Museum of Civilization Library and Archives Tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region

Interested in learning about the Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives and Library?

Join us for a tour of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Archives and Library. The tour will start with a presentation in the Archives, we’ll move on to hear about the Photo Archives, we will end with a tour of the Library. The tour will finish around 3:45 or 4pm, after which the Museum is free for visitors!

Location: The Canadian Museum of Civilization 100 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec
Please meet at 2:00pm at the security desk in the Curatorial wing (the “other” building, opposite the Museum’s main entrance, it’s on street level).

Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011
Time: 2:00pm-3:45pm

Please RSVP by January 28, 2011 at 4:00 pm using the following form

Please email if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!

Check out AÉSISSA’s calendar for more upcoming events.  If you’d like to add an event to AÉSISSA’s calendar, send an email to

22 January 2011

MIS Accreditation Update

Bonjour à tous,

La semaine dernière, j'ai pu assister à la présentation / mise à jour sur l'accréditation de notre programme. La présentation a été fait par notre directrice Mme Lynne Bowker.

A document summarizing Lynne Bowker's key messages will be sent to all students via the listserv this week; you should receive this in your uottawa account like other ESIS messages.

En attendant la diffusion du message de Lynne Bowker, voici quelques points saillants pour l'instant :
  • nous ne sommes pas encore accrédité comme programme / we are not yet accredited
  • le processus d'accréditation se fait sur plusieurs années (minimum de 5 ans) / accreditation is a multi-year process (minimum 5 years)
  • en ce moment, l'ESIS estime une possibilité d'accréditation officielle en juillet 2013 / ESIS estimates a possibility for final accreditation in July 2013
  • Quand le programme sera accrédité, la ALA accordera une accréditation rétroactive de 1 an / When the program receives its accreditation, the ALA will accreditate students retroactively from 1 year back
  • L'Université d'Ottawa reconnaît ceux et celles qui terminent le programme ce printemps; ces étudiants contribuent au processus-même de l'accréditation. L'Université s'engage à assurer l'accréditation de tout diplômé une fois le programme accrédité / The University of Ottawa recognizes those who are finishing the program this spring. These students contribute directly to the accreditation process. The University of Ottawa is committed to accrediting all graduates of the program once ESIS gets its accreditation.
Comme il sera décrit dans le message de Lynne Bowker, les étudiants seront appelés à participer à des groupes de discussion cette session pour partager leurs opinions et impressions du programme. Cette étape importante contribuera au processus d'accréditation - impliquez-vous.

As it will be described in Lynne Bowker's message, students will be asked to participate in focus groups this term to share their opinions and impressions on the program. This is an important step in the accreditation process - have your say.

En dernier lieu, je vous partage le message d'ouverture de Lynne (qui d'ailleurs a été le message de clôture aussi) :

Take-away message: We ALL want accreditation for our program; we are ALL working hard to achieve this goal; we ARE making progress towards it and we ARE confident that we WILL achieve this goal.

21 January 2011

Réception en l'honneur de maître Ernest Côté et de la communauté de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa | Reception in honour of Maître Ernest Côté and the Ottawa Public Library community

Dans la foulée du 25e anniversaire de l’AABPO, l’Association a créé une bourse d’études pour les étudiants inscrits au programme des sciences de l’information de l’Université d’Ottawa.

La création de ce fonds a été possible grâce à un généreux don d’Ernest Côté (ancien administrateur de la BPO et cofondateur de l’AABPO et du Fonds en fiducie de l’AABPO) et à une contribution à part égale de l’université. Les Amis, la Fondation de la BPO, M. Côté et l’Université d’Ottawa ont contribué à un point tel que la valeur du fonds a atteint la barre des 100 000 $. Les bourses d’études qui seront accordées aux bibliothécaires en devenir issus de la région de la capitale nationale seront donc versées grâce aux intérêts générés par le fonds.

L’école des sciences de l’information avait une réception en l'honneur de maître Ernest Côté et de la communauté de la Bibliothèque publique d’Ottawa à l’Université d’Ottawa le 12 janvier 2011. Nous avons entendu le professeur Antoni Lewkowicz (Doyen de la Faculté des arts), Cindy Streefkerk (la présidente de l’AABPO), et le charismatique M. Ernest Côté.
In recognition of FOPLA’s 25th anniversary, the Friends created a scholarship for students of the Information Studies program at the University of Ottawa.

The fund was started with the help of a generous donation from Mr. Ernest Côté (a former OPL Trustee and co-founder of FOPLA and the FOPLA trust fund) and a matching contribution from the university. The Friends, the OPL Foundation, Mr. Côté, and the University of Ottawa contributed enough for the fund to reach $100,000 so scholarships for future librarians from the National Capital Region can be awarded from the interest earned from the fund. We will be able to offer eligible students a $2000 scholarship each year (and perhaps two scholarships in a year if we’re lucky!).

The School of Information Studies celebrated this accomplishment on January 12th, 2011 with a reception to honour Mr. Ernest Côté and the Ottawa Public Library Community. Information Studies students joined us for the celebration and we heard from Professor Antoni Lewkowicz (Dean of the Faculty of Arts), Cindy Streefkerk (FOPLA president), and the charismatic Mr. Ernest Côté.

18 January 2011

CRDI Emplois pour étudiants / IDRC Student Employment

Étudiant - Gestion des documents, Division de la gestion de l'information et de la technologie de l'information (2 postes)

No du poste : SIMTD1 et SIMTD2
Lieu d'affectation : Ottawa, Canada
Durée : Avril à août 2011
Date de clôture : 11-02-08

Offre d'emploi complet :

Student - Records Management, Information Management and Technology Division (2 Positions)

Position #: SIMTD1 and SIMTD2
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Duration: April to August 2011
Closing Date: 08/02/11

Complete job advertisement:

Job posting - National Capital Region

Human resources and information management BRANCH

management and security of information section


Salary : $57,876 to $76,793 per annum

Language Requirements : Bilingual imperative – English BBB / French BBB

Security: Reliability Status

Term position to February 2011 – until February 2012, Part-time (4 days per week)

Open to:

NCC employees and the general public

Job Summary:

Reporting to the Chief, Management and Security of Information, the Head of Library Services, manages and administers the National Capital Commission” (NCC) Library to ensure that professional, technical and administrative staff has access to their operational information needs. He/she provides library services for the National Capital Commission by developing and maintaining a library collection standard to ensure library holdings support client requirements and the NCC's mandate. He/she monitors and reports on library activities related to corporate spending and use of the Library collection. He/she ensures that efficient library processes are implemented and comprehensive services are provided to NCC staff and the general public, including information research, acquisition (including payment) of newspaper and periodical subscriptions, inter-library loans and cataloguing. He/she ensures that the library collection is catalogued in order to provide an accurate and current information source of NCC library material and research topics as requested by clients, using electronic and traditional reference material; and maintaining contacts with other libraries.

Basic Requirements


Masters of Library Sciences or Library and Information Sciences from an American Library Association accredited university or acceptable combination of education and experience

Language requirements:

Bilingual imperative: BBB / BBB


A minimum of 3 years experience in:

· Library services (i.e. reference, inter-library loans and Library of Congress (AACR2 cataloguing and administrative practices

· An automated library management system with online searching


Reliability status

Rated Requirements


· Of the federal library community and authorities

· Of the Library and Archives of Canada Act

· Of the National Library Directive on the Acquisition and Disposal of Books and the Management of Published Material

· Of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

· Of the Canadian book publishing industry and library acquisition procedures


· To communicate effectively orally and in writing

· To work in a team environment with a minimum of supervision

· To establish priorities and meet deadlines

· To analyse and interpret requests

Personal suitability:

· Service-oriented, dependable and adaptable to changing priorities;

· Discretion and integrity;

· Initiative and good interpersonal skills;

· Good organizational skills


If you require additional information on the position, please contact Louise Barker at (613) 239-5294.

The National Capital Commission is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily in their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.

The National Capital Commission is committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted regarding this competition, please advise the departmental official of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner.

· Interviews will be administered.

· Tests may be administered.

· As a result of this competition, we may establish an inventory of potential candidates that may serve to staff similar positions.

· The NCC will not reimburse travel costs nor relocation expenses.

We thank all those who apply. Please note that only candidates who meet the basic requirements and are selected for the next stage of the selection process will be contacted.

Informal Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) Student Chapter

Dear fellow SIS students,

I am a first year student in my second semester and I am looking to start
an informal Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) student chapter here
at our SI school. 'Informal' would mean that you would not need to be a
registered member of the ACA, we would not need a registered professor to
oversee our group and we would be essentially meeting in the name of our
interest in the archival side of information management.

Essentially, I would like to get together with other students in the
school on a bi-weekly basis to see who is interested in the archival side
of information management in our new school. We could get some speakers to
come talk to us about their jobs, maybe have some informal pub nights and
go to some of the great archives in Ottawa that we have access to but
might not have been to yet, and hopefully more!

Depending on interest shown and how well we can organize ourselves, we
might consider starting a ‘formal’ student chapter next year.

Please email me if you are interested at, my name is
Emily Hanlon. If there are four other students besides myself who would
like to actively work together, I propose that we begin meeting in early

Looking forward to hearing from you,

17 January 2011

Sessions d'information sur les élections de l’AÉSISSA

Les élections pour les postes au sein du Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA en 2011/12 commencent bientôt! L’AÉSISSA tiendra deux séances d'information pour tous ceux et celles qui se présenteront pour un poste au conseil, et pour quiconque s'intéresse simplement à la démarche du processus électoral.

Quand : Le mercredi 26 janvier
  • Séance 1 : 12 h – 13 h
  • Séance 2 : 17 h 30 – 18 h 30

: Le salon des étudiants, 200 Lees, pièce B-165

Qui : Tous ceux et celles qui s'intéressent

Quoi : Il y aura une brève présentation sur l'Association et sur les postes à combler, suivie d'une foire aux questions. Des détails seront également fournis sur la façon de se présenter pour un poste au sein du conseil

Gâteries : Nous offrirons une collation. N’oubliez pas d’apporter votre café/thé.

Pour toute question ou commentaire, veuillez communiquer avec AÉSISSA :

AÉSISSA Elections Information Sessions

Elections for AÉSISSA Executive Council positions for 2011/12 are coming soon! AÉSISSA will be holding two information sessions for students interested in running for council, and for anyone interested in how the elections process is going to work.

When: Wednesday, January 26
• Session 1: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
• Session 2: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Where: The Student Lounge, 200 Lees, room B-165

Who: Anyone who is interested.

What: There will be a brief presentation about the Association and about the available positions, followed by a question and answer session. Details will also be provided for how to run for a council position.

Treats: Snacks will be provided. Don`t forget to bring a drink.

Contact AÉSISSA with any questions or comments:

15 January 2011

Invitation from the Archives Association of Ontario/Association des archives de l'Ontario

Eastern Ontario Chapter

Website Launch Social

Friday January 21, 2011

Royal Oak upper level, 221 Echo Drive (Colonel By Drive), Ottawa ON
6:30-8:30 pm

Come and join the Archives Association of Ontario, Eastern Ontario Chapter at the official launch of our new website, ! Grab a pint and some grub, get to know the Executive, get a demo of the new site, and learn about exciting upcoming events in 2011 that you won't want to miss. Archivists, students, lovers of archives, and friends of lovers of archives are all welcome! Have a question? E-mail us at our new e-mail address: See you soon!

11 January 2011

Emploi à temps-partiel / Part-time job

English message follows


Est-ce quelqu'un cherche un emploi à temps-partiel ce semestre? Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) est à la recherche de deux étudiants qui aimeraient travailler au sein de sa Division des services de la gestion de l'information ce semestre à temps-partiel. C'est là où j'ai fait mon stage coop; je travaille encore là à temps partiel. Les heures de travail peuvent être négociées. Ceci représenterait du travail administratif tel que la numérisation de documents et un peu de travail dans ... Veuillez communiquer avec moi si le poste vous intéresse à (ou si vous connaissez quelqu'un avec de l'expérience qui s'intéresserait au poste) et je partagerai votre nom et vos coordonnées avec mon superviseur qui pourrait vous fournir de plus de détails sur le poste.


Emily Dingwall

* * * *

Hi everyone,

Is anyone looking for part-time work this semester? The International
Development Research Centre’s (IDRC) information management division where
I did my CO-OP placement and am now working part-time is looking for two
students to work there this semester on a part-time basis. Hours are
negotiable. This would be administrative work which would involve scanning
and working in the file room. Contact me if you’re interested in one of
these positions at (or if you know anyone with related
experience who would be interested), and I will pass your name and contact
information along to my supervisor and provide you with more details.


Emily Dingwall

10 January 2011

Événement à venir / Upcoming event

Rappel : Vous êtes invités à participer à la prochaine « Conversation de la recherche » à l’École des sciences de l’information (ÉSIS) de l'Université d'Ottawa, avec conférencière Margaret Kipp de l'Université de Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Quand : mercredi le 12 janvier de 12 h 30 - 13 h 30
Lieu : 200, avenue Lees (B-163)

Voulez-vous savoir ce qui se passe à l'École des sciences de l'information (ÉSIS) ou rester à l'affût des événements qui se déroulent sur le campus? Consultez le calendrier de l’AÉSISSA pour en savoir plus sur les événements à venir qui seraient d'intérêt pour les étudiants, y compris les activités d'associations, les événements de l’ÉSIS et les foires de carrière et les séances d'information du Service d'appui au succès scolaire (SASS).

Si vous désirez ajouter un événement au calendrier de l’AÉSISSA, veuillez envoyer un courriel à

Reminder: You are invited to attend the next "Research Conversation" at the uOttawa School of Information Studies (ÉSIS) with guest speaker Margaret Kipp from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

When: Wednesday, January 12 at 12:30 - 1:30pm
Where: 200 Lees avenue (B-163)

Want to know what’s happening at the School of Information Studies or events taking place on campus? Check out AÉSISSA’s calendar for upcoming events of interest to students including association activities, ÉSIS events and Student Academic Success Service (SASS) career fairs and information sessions.

If you’d like to add an event to AÉSISSA’s calendar, send an email to