Council Note du Conseil
Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!
16 May 2011
Ontario school library staffing down: report
Any thoughts?
30 April 2011
University of Alberta Libraries - Academic Library Internship Program 2011/12
The internships are intended to:
- Provide experience to recent graduates interested in exploring a career in academic libraries
- Provide an opportunity to discover the multitude of opportunities within an academic library setting
- Create mentoring and networking opportunities for recent graduates as well as provide for professional development and training
- Have graduated from an accredited Canadian library school program in 2010 or 2011
- Commit to a one or two year contract appointment in the University of Alberta
27 April 2011
GSAÉD 2011 AGA and Party! |
Date: Le 29 avril, 2011 à 17 h
Lieu: Morisset, salle 205
Visitez la site Web de la GSAÉD pour plus de détails:
Year-End Pre-Summer Bend II
Date: April 29, 2011 at 7pm
Place: Café Nostalgica
Visit the GSAÉD website for more details:
21 April 2011
AÉSISSA Assemblée Générale Annuelle | AÉSISSA Annual General Meeting
- Rencontrez le nouveau Conseil exécutif
- Renseignez-vous sur les réalisations de l’AÉSISSA au cours de sa première année comme une association des étudiants officielle
- Partagez vos idées pour l'avenir de l’Association
Heure: 17 h à 19 h
Lieu: 200, ave Lees, B-165 (Salon des étudiants)
Join us for AÉSISSA’s first AGM!
- Meet the new Executive Council
- Hear about AÉSISSA’s accomplishments during its first year as an official student association
- Share your ideas for the Association’s future
Time: 5 - 7pm
Place: 200 Lees Ave, B-165 (Student Lounge)
L'ÉSIS produit ses premiers diplômés | ÉSIS celebrates its first cohort
Lire l'article en français:
07 April 2011
Editorial Intern Position
The Editorial Intern will contribute to the success of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice and gain experience in research publication by assisting the Editorial Team with the following:
- Soliciting potential manuscripts
- Promoting / marketing the journal, including calls for volunteers and calls for papers in order to reach a wide and diverse audience
- Examining proofs for consistency and accuracy prior to publication
- Updating metadata in the Open Journal Systems software (OJS)
- Managing administrative information in the OJS
- Contributing ideas for feature issues and ways to improve the journal
- Participating in editorial meetings and discussions
About the journal
Published quarterly by the University of Alberta, this peer-reviewed, open access journal is targeted at all library and information professionals interested in an evidence based model of practice. By facilitating access to librarianship research via original research articles and evidence summaries of relevant research from the library literature, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice will enable librarians to practice their profession in an evidence based manner.
Please visit the Evidence Based Library and Information Practice web site ( for further information about the journal.
04 April 2011
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada Programme d'emploi étudiant 2011 / Student Employment Program 2011 National Gallery of Canada
Saw this job posting that some of you may be interested in. Deadline is May 1st, 2011.
31 March 2011
Célébration de fin d’année! / Year-End Party!
Quand : le samedi 16 avril de 17 h à 20 h
Où : Café Nostalgica, 603, rue Cumberland, Ottawa
Venez célébrer la fin de l'année scolaire de l'École des sciences de l'information! Joignez-vous aux nouveaux diplômés, à vos collègues et aux professeurs de l’ÉSIS et régalez-vous de nourriture exceptionnelle dans un environnement agréable. Profitez d'une soirée privée de 17 h à 20 h, et des musiciens sur place à partir de 21 h 30.
Il y aura beaucoup de nourriture, mais chacun assurera le coût de ses achats de boisson. Des amis et famille sont des invités bienvenus.
On se revoit à la fête!
RSVP pas nécessaire; veuillez communiquer avec Kathryn West à pour toute question concernant cet événement.
Apportez votre carte étudiante pour un rabais de 20 % !
Les finissants ont droit à un verre gratis.
Year-End Party!
When: Saturday, April 16th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Café Nostalgica, 603 Cumberland Street, Ottawa
Come celebrate the end of the year with the School of Information Studies! Join new graduates, peers, and professors for exceptional food in a friendly environment. Enjoy a private party from 5-8pm, and live music starting at 9:30pm.
Plenty of food will be provided, but everyone is responsible for their beverage purchases. Friends and family are welcome guests.
Hope to see you there!
RSVP not necessary; please contact Kathryn West at with any questions regarding this event.
Bring your student card for a 20% discount!
Graduating students enjoy a drink on the house.
29 March 2011
The Time for Libraries is Now
27 March 2011
18 March 2011
Élections de la GSAÉD | GSAÉD Elections
Le lundi 21 mars 14h - 14h 30
Le mardi 22 mars 11h - 17h 30
Le mercredi 23 mars 14h - 14h 30
Le jeudi mars 11h - 11h 30
Avis importants : N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre carte étudiante.
Veuillez consulter le site Web de la GSAÉD pour plus d’informations concernant les élections de la GSAÉD, les référendums et d’autres lieux de vote- les étudiants de l’ÉSIS peuvent aussi voter sur le campus principal si cela les convient davantage.
Pour en savoir plus sur les candidats, cliquez ici.
The voting period for GSAÉD’s general elections and referenda will take place March 21 - 24. ÉSIS students can vote in the foyer at 200 Lees in between classes.
Monday, March 21 2:00 - 2:30pm
Tuesday, March 22 11:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday, March 23 2:00 - 2:30pm
Thursday, March 24 11:00 - 11:30am
Important notice: Do not forget to bring your student card.
See GSAÉD’s website for more information about the elections, referenda questions and more voting locations - ÉSIS students can also vote on the main campus if more convenient.
To learn more about the candidates, click here.
Gouvernement ouvert | Open Government
Le renforcement du gouvernement ouvert permettra aux Canadiens de consulter l'information publique sous des formats plus conviviaux et lisibles, de se renseigner davantage sur les rouages du gouvernement et de participer plus directement au processus de prise de décisions.
The expansion of open government is being pursued through these three main streams:
Pour en savoir plus, visitez
To learn more, visit
17 March 2011
Wendy Robbins Thesis Presentation March 23
Wendy began the MIS program in January 2009 as a part time student; following her retirement last winter from a long career as a radio and television producer and executive producer with the CBC, she switched to full-time studies, and hopes to have it all wrapped up next fall.
15 March 2011
This Day in LIS History: March 15, 1963
"By creating a successful book with a Black protagonist, Ezra Jack Keats encouraged others to publish multicultural books. Both he and the brave Newbery-Caldecott committee of 1963 changed the contents of children’s books forever. … After the book won the Caldecott Medal in 1963, it was purchased for library collections throughout the country, and for a period of years The Snowy Day was often the only book to show the face of a person of color in many public and school libraries. Hence it had a profound influence on thousands of children who for the first time could see themselves in a book.”
Read more
12 March 2011
CLA-CASLIS Career Planning at Any Stage
Whether you’re looking for your first professional position, still finishing your studies, or seeking something new, you are sure to come away from this workshop with useful tips, tricks, tools and techniques to help you advance your career in the information professions.
For more information, including the agenda, click here.
Costs: $15 for CLA student members or $20 for non-member students.
Register at
Questions? Contact:
09 March 2011
Bibliothécaire bilingue spécialisé(e) en sciences sociales, Bibliothèque Leslie Frost | Bilingual Social Science Librarian, Leslie Frost Library
Voir l'offre d'emploi.
York University is looking for a bilingual (French-English) Social Sciences Librarian for the Leslie Frost Library.
See the job posting.
Sauvez le Café Nostalgica | Save Café Nostalgica
Aidez à garder le Café Nostalgica ouvert. Aidez à créer un espace digne de notre population étudiante diplômée. Aidez à construire VOTRE Maison des diplômé.e.s.
Du 21 au 24 Mars, SAUVEZ le Café Nostalgica. Votez OUI pour la Maison des diplômé.e.s.
Pour plus d'information, visitez
Joignez le groupe Facebook ou suivez les nouvelles avec Twitter @SaveCafe -!SaveCafe.
Café Nostalgica is at a crucial crossroad. The combination of physical limitations, problematic infrastructure, financial pressures, mounting demands and lack of control on the premises has brought us to the brink of closure.
Help keep Café Nostalgica open. Help create a space worthy of our Graduate Student population. Help build YOUR Grad House.
On March 21-24, SAVE Café Nostalgica. Vote YES to the Grad House.
For more information, visit
Join the Facebook group or follow Twitter updates @SaveCafe -!SaveCafe.
08 March 2011
Invitation - Salon de l'emploi / Career Fair - RSVP this Friday
You are invited to a Career Fair organized by the students from Université de Montréal’s École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI) and McGill University’s School of Information Studies (SIS).
The event will take place Thursday, March 17th, 2011 at the Grande Bibliothèque (Montréal).
The registration fee is $20 per student and it covers the costs of a registration kit and refreshments.
RSVP by Friday, March 11. Send an email to Anne-Frédérique Champoux at
Chers étudiants/Chères étudiantes de l’ÉSIS,
Vous êtes invités au Salon de l’emploi organisé par les étudiants de l’École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI) de l’Université de Montréal et de la School of Information Studies (SIS) de l’Université McGill.
L’événement aura lieu le jeudi 17 mars, 2011 à la Grande Bibliothèque (Montréal).
Les frais d’inscription sont 20$ par étudiant; ces frais couvrent les coûts d’une trousse d’inscription et des rafraîchissements pour les participants.
Si vous aimeriez y être, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Anne-Frédérique Champoux à au plus tard le vendredi 11 mars.
05 March 2011
(prov. du Québec) - Les bibliothèques de quartier relèvent la tête
Les bibliothèques de quartier relèvent la tête
Gabriel Béland
La Presse
Le déclin de la lecture, l'apparition du livre électronique et la construction de la Grande Bibliothèque faisaient craindre le pire. Certains prédisaient le déclin des bibliothèques de quartier. Mais les dernières statistiques prouvent le contraire: elles se portent mieux. Et si la Grande Bibliothèque leur avait montré la voie?
Pour lire l'article au complet :
02 March 2011
Scorned librarians and the the eBook piracy underground
After calling for limits on sharing in library lending systems, librarians are calling on a boycott of the publisher HarperCollins. But the piracy of eBooks is still a very real concern for large publishers.
Click here to find out more.
La Rotonde est maintenant disponible au 200 Lees!
Connaissez-vous la Rotonde?
La Rotonde est le journal étudiant indépendant francophone à l’Université d’Ottawa. Fondé le 1er janvier 1932, plusieurs de ses anciens rédacteurs travaillent aujourd’hui dans le domaine du journalisme, dont Marc Brassard (Le Droit), Patrick Lagacé (La Presse), Geneviève Turcot (Le Droit) et Daniel Leblanc (Globe & Mail), pour en nommer quelques uns. Qui seront les prochains journalistes?
Restez à l’affut de l’actualité universitaire : ramassez votre copie de la Rotonde au 200 Lees, près de l’entrée principale (à côté des boîtes postales du Département de psychologie en marchant vers l’École des sciences de l’information). La Rotonde est aussi en ligne (
28 February 2011
Ottawa Public Library Launches iPhone App!
- Search the catalogue and use the geo-locator to find the branch closest to your location.
- Renew borrowed items, reserve items and view items you have checked out.
- See new arrivals.
- Read comments and reviews from other library users.
Coming soon: apps for Android-powered smart phones.
25 February 2011
U-Pass Price Freeze!
Read the story in the Ottawa Citizen and the Metro.
More information about the U-Pass is available at and on OC Transpo's website.
24 February 2011
Conférences interdisciplinaires de la GSAÉD / GSAÉD's Interdisciplinary Conference |
Conférencière: Geneviève Azam
Le mercredi 2 mars 2011, 14 h
Chapelle Tabaret, salle 112, Pavillon Tabaret
Université d'Ottawa
Entrée gratuite - Ouverte au public
Ces conférences se tiendront les quatre premiers mercredis du mois de mars. Elles donneront l'occasion à des étudiants diplômés de partager le fruit de leurs travaux de recherche avec la communauté universitaire et le grand public. Des conférences données par certains professeurs(es) de l'Université d'Ottawa sont également prévues au programme.
Nos activités proposent cette année d’explorer le thème rassembleur "État de nature" sous divers angles disciplinaires, des arts et des sciences sociales aux sciences et au génie, en passant par le droit et l'éducation. Elles mettront de l’avant des questions actuelles nous touchant tous, en tant que chercheurs et en tant que citoyens.
Pour plus d'informations:
Jonathan Duguay
Commissaire aux affaires universitaires, GSAED, et Responsable des Conférences
Téléphone : 613.562.5800 x3011
Courriel :
Site Web :!/profile.php?id=100001780238076
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Wednesday, March 2 , 2011, 2PM
Tabaret Chapel, Room 112, Tabaret Hall
University of Ottawa
Free - Public Event - In French
The conferences will be held the first four Wednesdays of the month of March 2011. They will give the opportunity to graduate students to share their research with both the university community and the general public. Professors of the University of Ottawa will also be featured during the events.
The theme of this year's edition is "State of Nature". The relationship between man, society and the environment will thus be explored under all perspectives, from arts and social sciences to pure sciences and engineering, including law and education. Papers submitted by students offer creative and innovative perspectives on this theme. They will put forward current questions that matter to all of us as researchers and as citizens.
For further information:
Jonathan Duguay
GSAED University Affairs Commissioner and Head of the Conferences
Phone: 613-562-5800 #3011
North Bay Regional Health Centre job posting
The non-union position of Librarian will manage the efficient and effective operation of the large regional health sciences library for use by hospital staff, those with hospital privileges, and students to support clinical and administrative decision making, research and formal and self-directed educational programs.
The ideal candidate will be an organized individual with effective time management, verbal and written communication skills. Required qualifications include successful completion of a Master’s Degree in Library Sciences or in a related field; proficiency in Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint); recent experience in cataloguing principles and procedures, conventional and computerized references sources and online searching. Experience with current evidence-based and related health and social service literature (print and electronic) along with relevant local, regional, national and international electronic resources is required. Collaboration with all types of healthcare staff, budgeting principles, copyright law and practices, principles and practices of management and information security and safety are also considered requirements of this position.
The ability to support and contribute to a culture of safety and prevention of adverse health events in the organizations is required. An excellent attendance and work record is required. A recent Criminal Reference Verification is required for this position. Bilingualism (French/English) is an asset.
Note: A Criminal Reference Verification (recent as of two months) will be required for all external hires as a pre-condition of employment. Current NBGH employees are exempt.
For an opportunity to be part of our exciting future, please submit your resume and covering letter quoting File NU-A-11-003 to:
Human Resources
50 College Drive
P.O. Box 2500
North Bay, ON P1B 5A4
Fax: (705) 495-7977
We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for their interest. An acknowledgement will be sent only to those candidates who will be interviewed.
22 February 2011
Collation des grades printemps 2011 Spring Convocation
N'oubliez pas de remplir et de soumettre le formulaire "Inscription au grade et demande de diplôme" au plus tard le 31 mars 2011.
If you are eligible to graduate this spring, you should have received an invitation in your uottawa email account by now - if you haven't but should have, do contact the office.
In order to graduate and receive your diploma you must request it by March 31st 2011.
You may do so through your student account through uoZone Here you can confirm your attendance at the Convocation Ceremony for Saturday, June 11th at 7:30 pm at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, or you can opt to have your diploma mailed to you if preferred.
Pour plus d'information sur la Collation des grades, visitez le site Web du registraire de l'Université d'Ottawa.
Au plaisir de vous revoir le 11 juin 2011!
17 February 2011
CLA Student Article Contest
First Prize is AMAZING!!!!
* Free registration, accommodation and transportation to the CLA National Conference in Halifax from May 25- 28
* $ 150 cash prize
* The winning article will be published in Feliciter, the magazine of the Canadian Library Association/Association canadienne des bibliothèques. (Winning articles in French would appear in both official languages).
First runner-up receives:
$75 choice of CLA/ALA publications.
$150 cash prize
Second runner-up receives:
$75 choice of CLA/ALA publications.
$100 cash prize
The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program, or faculty of education library program.
Registered students may be full or part time; graduates should have completed their studies within one year of the competition's closing date of March 31, annually. Articles submitted must be written while the student is enrolled in a program of study, or within one year of
graduation. Each contestant must submit a faculty member's statement attesting to the
fact that the article fulfills the above requirements.
Multiple-author papers are eligible, but in the event such a paper is selected, only one prize will be awarded.
Submissions may be in English or French.
Articles should discuss, analyse or evaluate, in a clear and readable style, timely issues in librarianship or information science. Conclusions and premises should follow logically, and statements should be supported. Essays or term papers should be reworked into an article suitable for publication. The style should be informal but informative. References, if required, should be drawn from Canadian sources as much as possible and follow CL's style sheet
Originality - All manuscripts must be the original, unpublished work of the contestant(s). Entries must be submitted exclusively to the Canadian Library Association/Association canadienne des bibliothèques during the competition period.
Format for Submission
Manuscript length should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words, typewritten on 8 1/2" x 11" paper, double spaced, with generous margins. One copy should be submitted electronically to the following address, no later than March 31, annually.
Email to:
Student Article Contest
Canadian Library Association
1150 Morrison Drive
Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K2H 8S9
Tel: (613) 232-9625
Fax: (613) 563-9895
Please Note: Include a separate page containing the following information:
Full title of entry; name of the author(s); home address and telephone number; name of the program in which author(s) is/are registered; and a faculty member's verification. This should be on letterhead of the institution in which author(s) is/are registered.
Soirée Pub! | Pub Night!
Heure : 18 h 00
Lieu : Royal Oak - 221, promenade Echo (2e étage)
Come and celebrate a successful election and meet the new AÉSISSA executive council for 2011/12!
PRIZE DRAW for two $20 Chapters cards!
Date: Friday, March 4, 2011
Time: 6pm
Location: Royal Oak - 221 Echo Drive (2nd floor)
16 February 2011
ABRCN - La semaine de la liberté d'expression 2011 | LANCR - Freedom to Read Week 2011 |
Invités spéciaux:
- Donna Presz, Coordinatrice du Centre des Resources Pédagogiques, Derry Byrne. Ottawa Catholic School Board;
- Alan Cumyn, auteur de The Famished Lover et plusieurs autres livres pour enfants et adultes , président de The Writers’ Union of Canada, et ancien président du Comité des écrivains en prison de PEN Canada;
- Dr. Mary Cavanagh, bibliothécaire publique et professeure adjointe, École des sciences de l’information, Université d’Ottawa (et Max Neuvians)
Où? Royal Oak Laurier, 161 ave Laurier est
Coût? Membres de l’ABRCN: gratuit; Invité(e)s: 5$
RSVP à avant le dimanche 20 fév
Vistez le blogue de l'ABRCN pour télécharger une affiche à imprimer et partager!
_____________________________________________________________________________ |
Special Guests:
- Donna Presz, Library Services Supervisor, Derry Byrne Teacher Resource Centre, Ottawa Catholic School Board;
- Alan Cumyn, author of The Famished Lover and other books for adults and children, chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada, and past chair of the writers in prison committee of PEN Canada.
- Dr. Mary Cavanagh, public librarian and assistant professor at the University of Ottawa’s newly established School of Information Studies (and Max Neuvians)
Where? Royal Oak Laurier, 161 Laurier Ave. East
Cost? LANCR members: free; Non-members: $5
RSVP Before Sunday, Feb 20th to
Visit the LANCR blog to download and print a poster!
15 February 2011
Concours photos | Photo Contest
Tous les é diplômés.ées de l'Université d'Ottawa peuvent soumettre jusqu'à deux photos sous le thème "État de nature".
Pour participer, et pour plus de détails, visitez:
GSAED will hold a photo contest during its Interdisciplinary Conferences to be held in March 2011.
All graduate students of the University of Ottawa are invited to submit up to two photos under the theme "State of Nature".
To participate and for further information, please visit:
Départ de Chantal Sanscartier - card available to sign
Chantal's last day at the ESIS office is Friday of this week - AÉSISSA has provided a card in the student lounge so that students may sign it and/or write her a message in it if they would like. The Association will offer her the card with a small thank you gift this Friday.
Joignez-vous à nous en lui remerciant et lui souhaitant bonne chance dans ses nouveaux projets!
14 February 2011
Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l’Exécutif! | Congratulations to the new Executives!
Mise à jour: nous avons une nouvelle Présidente!
Puisqu’aucun des postes sont contestés cette année, l’AÉSISSA ne tiendra pas une élection complète.
- Président - Emily Hanlon
- Agent des finances - Cam Laforest
- Représentant des étudiants à temps partiels - Jason Friedman
- Représentant des étudiants à plein temps - Caroline Monin
- Agent des Communications - Valery Tardiff
- Webmestre - Max Neuvians
- Agent de planification d’événements - Kathryn West
Since none of the positions are being contested this year, AÉSISSA will not be holding a full election.
- President - Emily Hanlon
- Financial Officer - Cam Laforest
- Part-time student representative - Jason Friedman
- Full-time student representative - Caroline Monin
- Communications Officer - Valery Tardiff
- Webmaster - Max Neuvians
- Events Planning Officer - Kathryn West
12 February 2011
Fulcrum - now available at 200 Lees!
Established in February 1942, the Fulcrum is the independent English-language student newspaper at the University of Ottawa.
There are copies available on the main campus, health sciences campus & online. AÉSISSA has been pushing for more inclusion at 200 Lees; Fulcrum is now available at 200 Lees as of last week! To my knowledge, they are situated just left of the entrance, as you walk towards the School of Information Studies.
Grab a copy - have a read!
Nous attendons aussi des copies de La Rotonde, le journal étudiant indépendant francophone de l'Université d'Ottawa. L'AÉSISSA travaille présentement avec La Rotonde pour assurer des copies au 200 Lees!
09 February 2011
Salon du livre de l'Outaouais du 24-27 février 2011
Du 24 au 27 février 2011, faites-vous du bon temps et venez au Salon du livre de l’Outaouais. Au menu de cette fête de la littérature : des rencontres, des découvertes et… le plaisir !!" February 2011
Réunion avec l`expert-conseil / Meeting with consultant : DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA -FOLLOW UP
This is just a quick message to say that if you would still like to make some anonymous comments about our program and school that you can email Dr. Elizabeth Aversa directly at (I would say no later than this Friday). These comments can be about what you like most about our program, what you like the least and they can touch on all aspects academic and social.
Thanks to all of those who did turn out today, you opinions are all important in making our program a success.
Référendum sur la Maison des diplômés : Séance d’information | Grad House Referendum: Information Session
La GSAÉD planifie une expansion importante de l'espace étudiant. Le projet de la « Maison des diplômés » offrirait un espace étudiant, géré par les étudiants, payé par les étudiants et serait la propriété des étudiants. |
Lisez à propos de ce projet dans La Rotonde
GSAÉD is planning a MASSIVE student space expansion. The “Grad House” project would be for the students, managed by the students, paid for by the students and be the property of students.
“Do you agree to pay a levy of $22.50 per student per session for the construction and maintenance costs of a ‘Grad House’ [...]?”
To learn more and to share your opinions, come to a special presentation for ÉSIS students. |
Nancy Pearl's Rule of 50 for dropping a bad book
"But how many pages should I read before I can guiltlessly stop reading a book?”
Read Nancy Pearl's Rule of 50 to find out.
07 February 2011
Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship
"In 2006 the May Court Grants Committee recommended to the Board that funds received from the bequest of Susan Anderson be utilized to sponsor a Scholarship in her memory. She spent many years of her life as one of the librarians at the Parliamentary Library in Ottawa as well as a dedicated volunteer to the Rykert Library at the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus a service which is offered by the May Court Club of Ottawa. Her interest in and support for the Club never failed.To recognize her tremendous contribution to the Club and to society, the Board has established the Susan Anderson Memorial Scholarship in the Master’s Program in Information Studies at the University of Ottawa."
Get more details and access the application form at the May Court Club website.
06 February 2011
Élections de l'AÉSISSA - période de mise en candidature / AÉSISSA Elections - Nominations period
- Président
- Agent des finances
- Affaires académiques, représentant des étudiants à plein temps
- Affaires académiques, représentant des étudiants à temps partiels
- Agent des communications
- Webmestre
- Agent de planification d’événements
- President
- Academic Affairs, full-time students representative
- Academic Affairs, part-time students representative
- Communications Officer
- Webmaster
- Events Planning Officer
05 February 2011
uO ombudsman/ombudsperson
Visitez leur site web pour plus d'infos!
Serving the entire University community, the Office of the Ombudsperson provides impartial and independent advice and information to parties to assist in resolving disputes and problems, with complete confidentiality.
Visit their website for more info!
Élections générales de la GSAÉD de 2011 | 2011 GSAÉD General Elections
Si vous êtes intéressé à se présenter pour un poste ou si vous souhaitez aider à organiser des élections et les référendums (Maison des diplômés et GRIPO), voir le site web de la GSAÉD pour plus d'informations.
The GSAÉD General Elections seek to fill the positions of Executive Officers of the Association and of graduate student representatives to the University Senate and the University Board of Governors.
If you are interested in running for a position or would like to assist with the organization of the elections and referendums (Grad House and OPRIG), see GSAÉD's website for more information.
Note: Stay tuned for more information about the Grad House Project!
04 February 2011
Réunion avec l`expert-conseil / Meeting with consultant : DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA
***RÉUNION AVEC L’EXPERT-CONSEIL, MME ELIZABETH AVERSA*** : mardi, le 8 février, 17h à 18h, dans la pièce B-165 (à noter, Mme Bureau a accepté de commencer le cours de catalogage à 18h pour permettre aux étudiants d’y participer)
Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas assister, je vous invite à soumettre vos commentaires par écrit – même de façon anonyme, ou dans une enveloppe scellée – et je les transmettrai directement à Mme Aversa. Priez de soumettre de tels commentaires à Lynne avant 17h le 8 février.
***MEETING WITH CONSULTANT, DR. ELIZABETH AVERSA***: Tues, Feb. 8, 5-6pm, in room B-165 (Note: Mme Bureau has agreed to delay the start of the cataloguing class to 6pm to allow students to participate)
Any student who is unable to attend the meeting is invited to submit comments in writing – which can be anonymous or enclosed in a sealed envelope – and I will pass them directly to Dr. Aversa. Please submit any comments to Lynne before 5pm on Feb. 8.
Carleton U MacOdrum Library tour
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in a university library? What do university librarians do on a daily basis? Join us for a tour of the Carleton University MacOdrum Library. During the tour you will visit the various service units and the Learning Commons area of the Library.
Location: Carleton University MacOdrum Library, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Time: 2:00-3:30pm. Please meet at the Research Help Desk on the Main Floor (Level 2) of the Library. Library floor plan.
RSVP: Please RSVP by Tuesday, February 8 2011.
Note: For uOttawa MLS students-there is a free shuttle between uOttawa and Carleton.
Please email if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!