Council Note du Conseil

Élections de l'AÉSISSA Elections 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!

30 November 2010

OLA Conference needs Student Volunteers Feb 1-5, 2011

Attention ESIS Students - This is an excellent conference and would be an extremely valuable learning experience for anyone who attends. Note that with volunteering you can reduce your registration cost. There is a career centre and an excellent exhibits area where you can learn a lot quickly about the library and information world. If it wasn't so far, I would suggest a full-day field trip ;-) Bilingual volunteers are welcome! If you have any questions regarding this conference and association, don't hesitate to contact me.

Mary Cavanagh

Student Volunteers @ OLA Super Conference 2011

Save the dates! OLA’s Super Conference is the largest library conference in Canada—being held from Wednesday, February 2nd to Saturday, February 5th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto. This year’s conference involves almost 300 sessions, meetings and events with over 400 presenters—and YOU are welcome to be part of the excitement!
OLA has a long and mutually beneficial relationship with students enrolled in full-time library programs in Ontario. Volunteering at the annual conference offers you an excellent opportunity to meet future employers, network with library information workers in a wide range of positions, visit the exhibits, and attend workshops. Browse the conference website for the full range of programs and services open to you.
In return for signing up as a volunteer, your conference registration is free and includes all aspects of the conference except the Public Library dinner and the Saturday Gala Luncheon. Tickets for dinner ($65) and the luncheon ($60) can be purchased separately.

Some of the duties you will be performing as a volunteer include:
*giving directional help
*helping out at the registration desk
*preparing conference materials
*handing out and tallying evaluation forms
*changing signage
*assisting in the Speaker's Lounge
*assisting to set-up the OLA Store
*and other tasks that emerge

These duties are rotated among all the volunteers when possible.
Read more in the Student Volunteer Information Guide: (pdf)
Sign up for one or more shifts using the Student Volunteer Sign-up Form: (
Thank you for your time and interest. One of us will be in touch with you later in December or early January.

Jennifer Soutter, Volunteer Coordinator
Shuzen Zhao, Volunteer Coordinator
Danielle Winn, Volunteer Coordinator

26 November 2010

CLA-CASLIS and LANCR Holiday Event

CLA-CASLIS Ottawa and LANCR Annual Holiday Event

Monday, December 13, 2010, 6:00 pm
Savana Café, 431 Gilmour Street

CLA-CASLIS Ottawa and LANCR / ABRCN invite you to kick off the festive season in style!
It’s time once more for Ottawa’s information professionals to get together to celebrate the season! Catch up with old friends, meet new people, and network, network, network!

Come share a cocktail with us at Ottawa’s original “Fusion Restaurant”. Savana Café is known for offering tropical cuisine inspired by flavours and spices from the Caribbean and South-East Asia. Sit by the fireplace and enjoy.

A 50/50 draw will be held. 50% of funds raised go to the charity of the winner’s choice! Tickets are: 1 for $2, 3 for $5 and an arm’s length for $10.

Please note non-alcoholic drinks are also available.

When: Monday, 13 December 2010, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where: Savana Café, 431 Gilmour Street
CLA Members - $20
Non-members - $30
CLA Student Members - $10
Student Non-members - $20

Please note drinks are not included in the price.

Please RSVP sending your name and membership/student status, by Wednesday, December 6, 2010 to

Here are some snacks to tantalize you…
Fresh Vietnamese Spring Rolls with Chili Lime Caramel
Crispy Eggplant Yakitori with Soy Ginger Glaze, Corriander, Crushed Cashew
Shitake and Ginger Spring Rolls
Golden Beets, Chevre, Shallot Raisin Jam, Chive and a pappadom chip
Tempura Avocado, soy gelee, truffle oil and lime
Vegetable nori maki rolls with cucumber, sweet potatoe, tempura flake, bokchoy and dynamite sauce (sauce contains tobiko-fish roe)
Bara bread dumpling with chickpea curry, tamarind, corriander, hot pepper sauce
Tostones (fried plantain chip) with fresh cheese, grape tomatoes, sweet basil, maldon salt
“Mini Cheese and Chutney” Grilled Sandwiches
Curried Prawn, Coconut and Cucumber on a spoon
Chicken Satay with Spicy Peanut Sauce

25 November 2010

A conference of interest - if you have some ideas already, see the Call For Proposals

Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2011 – ‘Learning Under Living Skies’June 1-3, 2011

Regina, Saskatchewan

The tri-institutional WILU Committee from the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), the University of Regina, and the University of Saskatchewan invites you to submit proposals to be considered for presentation at WILU 2011. We are very pleased and excited to bring WILU to our province – for the first time ever!

This is also a special year because this will be the 40th annual WILU! Over the decades, it has grown to encompass all aspects of library instruction and the emerging role of librarians as educators. Please visit About WILU 2011 for more information.

The sky looms large over Saskatchewan. It is bold, active and constantly changing – just like learning in libraries. And, as we all know, learning can happen anywhere…the sky’s the limit…

Consult the conference site here:

24 November 2010

Student Success Story / Réussite étudiante : Erin Forward

Congratulations Erin!

One of our very own students, Erin Forward, recently published an article in the fall 2010 issue of OLA Access. The article, Google Maps for indexing aerial photograph collections, discusses the project of converting the card catalogue of the University of Ottawa’s aerial photograph collection held at the Geographic, Statistical, and Government (GSG) Information Centre to an online index. As a part of the project, Google Maps was used to plot a digital representation of each photograph.

Erin is currently a full time student. She has a B.A. in Geography with a concentration in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis from the University of Ottawa. She works as the Cartographic Metadata Analyst at the GSG Information Centre located on the 3rd floor of the Morisset Library, University of Ottawa.

Share your achievements! Become an author of the blog to post your own news or send us an email at

Félicitations Erin!

Un de nos propres étudiants, Erin Forward, a récemment publié un article dans le numéro d’automne 2010 de la publication OLA Access. L’article, intitulé «Google Maps for indexing aerial photograph collections», discute du projet de transposition de la collection de photographie aérienne du catalogue sur fiches au Centre d'information géographique, statistique, et gouvernementale (GSG) de l’Université d’Ottawa vers un index numérique sur le Web. Au cours du projet, Google Maps a été utilisé pour schématiser la représentation numérique de chaque photographie.

Erin est étudiante à plein temps. Elle détient un baccalauréat en arts avec spécialisation en géographie et concentration en géomatique et analyse spatial de l’Université d’Ottawa. Erin travaille comme analyste de métadonnées cartographiques au Centre d’information GSG au 3e étage de la Bibliothèque Morisset, à l’Université d’Ottawa.

Partagez vos réalisations! Devenez vous-même auteur du blogue pour afficher vos propres nouvelles ou envoyez-nous un courriel à

22 November 2010

Library of Parliament tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region.

Interested in learning more about the Library of Parliament? 20 students will be able to attend this “behind the scenes” tour of the Library of Parliament. You will learn about being a librarian at the Library of Parliament (eg: clients; types of questions; collection, etc). Then, you will go on a tour of the library premises and learn about the history and architecture of the building.

The Library building, designed in the High Victorian Gothic Revival style by Thomas Fuller and Chilion Jones, opened in 1876. The Library of Parliament offers information, reference and research services to parliamentarians and their staff, parliamentary committees, associations and delegations, and senior Senate and House of Commons officials.

Location: Centre Block, Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Please meet at the security entrance under the Peace Tower at the Centre Block. Please note that there is airport-like security that you are required to go through prior to the tour.
Date: Tuesday December 7, 2010
Time: 10:00-11:30am
RSVP: Please RSVP by December 1, 2010 at 3:00pm at

Due to the size limit of this tour, only current MLIS students will be permitted to attend this tour. Students will be able to attend this tour on a first-come-first served basis. Students who are on the tour list will be sent a confirmation email from Security requires a list of attendees prior to the tour.

Please email  if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!

17 November 2010

Lush and Learn (a Best Practices Mixer)

LANCR (Library Association of the National Capital Region) and NCALL (National Capital Association of Law Librarians) invite you to a Best Practices Mixer.

We are asking everyone to think of a tip, tool, technique, or resource that has been valuable to them in their work. For example, what works best when dealing with difficult patrons?, what social networking tool is most effective? have a favourite blog?, how do you get the most out of student placements?, what is your best marketing tip?, etc., etc.

At the mixer we'll have you move from small group to small group sharing your best practices. By the end of the session, after rotating through the different groups, we hope you'll have picked up some new ideas and made some new contacts!

Where: Royal Oak Pub, 180 Kent St., at Slater (say you are with the law librarians in order to be seated in the correct area)
When: Tuesday November 23, 2010
Time: Official program will be from 5:45 - 6:45
RSVP: Katherine Laundy at by Friday November 19, 2010. Seating is limited.

Note: Attendees will be responsible for their own food and/or drinks.

Get the LANCR-ABRCN Lowdown:

15 November 2010

Rencontre du temps des fêtes / Holiday pub night @ Royal Oak

An English message will follow...

Bonjour à tous!
Le semestre achève et le temps des fêtes approche vite! L'AÉSISSA se rencontre pour une célébration de fin de semestre au Royal Oak au 221, promenade Echo, le vendredi 3 décembre à 18 h 30 (

Joignez-vous à nous! Des plats d'amuse-gueules seront commandés par l'Association en début de soirée pour ouvrir la fête.

Si vous aimeriez y être, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Céline St-Martin à par le samedi 27 novembre afin qu'on puisse réserver des tables et commander la nourriture en avance.

Aimeriez-vous coordonner notre prochaine soirée informelle? Vous avez d'autres idées intéressantes pour des évènements pour les étudiants? Notre poste d'Agent de planification d'évènements n'est pas encore comblé! Pour obtenir plus d'information à ce sujet, envoyez nous un courriel à Veuillez noter que les postes sont comblés à base volontaire en cette année de pré-élection.

Céline St-Martin
Agente des communications, AÉSISSA

Hi everyone!
The semester is wrapping up and the holidays are fast approaching! AÉSISSA is meeting for a Holiday pub night at the Royal Oak at 221 Echo Dr., on Friday, December 3rd at 6:30pm (

Come on out and celebrate! The Association will be kicking off the evening with free appetizer platters to share.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Céline St-Martin at by Saturday, November 27th, so we may reserve tables and order the platters in advance.

Would you like to coordinate our next pub night? Have more ideas for MIS events? Our Events Planning Officer position is still open! For more information, send us an email at Please note that positions are filled on a volunteer basis in this pre-election year.

Céline St-Martin
Communications Officer, AÉSISSA

12 November 2010

Study: "Searching with Tags: Do Tags Help Users Find Things?"

Study by Margaret E.I. Kipp, and D. Grant Campbell,
in Knowledge Organization, 2010, vol. 37, n. 4. (In Press)

This study examines the question of whether tags can be useful in the process of information retrieval. Participants searched a social bookmarking tool specialising in academic articles (CiteULike) and an online journal database (Pubmed). Participant actions were captured using screen capture software and they were asked to describe their search process. Users did make use of tags in their search process, as a guide to searching and as hyperlinks to potentially useful articles. However, users also made use of controlled vocabularies in the journal database to locate useful search terms and of links to related articles supplied by the database.

Full-text PDF

Some of you may remember Dr. Margaret Kipp was a guest speaker in Heather Moulaison's Subject Analysis class last year.  Dr. Kipp talked to us about folksonomies and her research using CiteULike.

I especially liked the direct quotes from participants in this study.

10 November 2010

Consultation : cotisation pour une Maison des diplômé.e.s/Grad House Levy Consultation

Lieu: Auditorium des anciens (Centre Jock-Turcot, 85 Université)
Début: 10 nov 2010 (18:00)

Vous êtes cordialement invité.e.s...

La GSAÉD planifie depuis des années un projet d’une « Maison des diplômé.e.s », pour palier au besoin criant d’espace étudiant. Ce bâtiment de plusieurs millions de dollars serait une espace dont vous, les étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s, serez propriétaires et utilisateurs, mais au prix de nouveaux frais accessoires.

Une rencontre spéciale du Conseil de la GSAÉD aura lieu pour discuter du projet: des enjeux, des options, des plans d'architecte, et des ententes de gouvernance et de financement avec l'Université.

Nous cherchons à vous informer pour que vous formiez votre opinion et que vos opinions aident à former nos actions.

Venue: Alumni Auditorium (Jock Turcot University Centre, 85 University)
Starting: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 (6:00 pm)

You are cordially invited...

The GSAÉD has been planning a “Grad House” for many years now, to deal with the dire need for student space. This multi-million dollar building would be a space that you, the graduate students, which you would own and use, but at the price of new accessory fees.

A special meeting of the GSAÉD Council will be held to discuss the project: the challenges, the opportunities, the architectural plans, and the governance and finance agreements with the University.

We hope to inform your opinion and have your opinion inform our actions.

08 November 2010

UVic digitally preserves 30 years of feminist chronicles

Posted at the request of Lynne Bowker, who says "FYI some good press for archives and their value in teaching and research in today’s issue of the Times-Colonist, in a piece about the 'Victoria Women’s Movement Archives' held at UVic Archives."

Supporters of the Victoria Women's Movement Archives at the University of Victoria are raising money to digitize the collection:
The feminist archives are now celebrating 15 years as one of the only such collections in Canada. The downside: Its logo of a filing cabinet suits the current 30-box collection of paper documents. Which means that researchers or interested parties have to show up in person to use the information or contact an archivist and arrange for copies of what's inside.

Supporters are seeking donations from the public to help put the collection into digital form.

Read the whole story at the Times Colonist website.

Browse the archives.

04 November 2010

Digital copyright legislation opposed

Win for consumers!

The federal government's proposal to make consumers liable for legal damages of up to $5,000 if they break digital locks to copy movies, video games or electronic books for their own personal use appears dead on arrival -with all three opposition parties speaking out yesterday against this key provision of the Conservative government's copyright bill. Read the full article in The Gazette

The Librarian (1947)

This is fun - It's a "vocational guidance" film from 1947 about Librarianship.

Source: Internet Archive via LISnews

02 November 2010

(via CASLIS Facebook group) Événement : Ose-t-on parler d’un «bibliothétiquetage»? Vers une participation active des utilisateurs...

Le vendredi 19 novembre 2010, de midi à 13 h
Bibliothéque publique d'Ottawa, Auditorium (120, rue Metcalfe)

Depuis des années, les bibliothécaires constatent l’utilité de permettre aux utilisateurs une participation à l’organisation de l’information proposée en ligne ; en 2007 déjà, le rapport sur les principes de pré-coordination dans les vedettes-matières de la Bibliothèquedu Congrès (LCSH) signalait à plusieurs reprises l’intérêt de l’application des étiquettes d’utilisateurs aux documents dans l’OPAC. Dans une optique de collaboration avec nos utilisateurs, il nous sera utile de considérer leurs attentes par rapport à l’organisation de l’information et à sa manipulation (capacité d’étiqueter, de commenter, de partager et/ou de sauvegarder) sur les sites Web des bibliothèques dans la nouvelle décennie.

Cette communication commencera par un survol de l’état actuel des systèmes d’étiquetage disponibles en ligne et auxquels nos utilisateurs auront eu affaire en tant qu’internautes. Dans un deuxième temps, cette communication recensera les systèmes d’étiquetage disponibles dans les portails de bibliothèques au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe. Que permettons-nous aux utilisateurs comparativement aux sites Web au sens plus large, et devrons-nous essayer d’aller encore plus loin en incitant nos utilisateurs à une participation active ?

Professeure Heather Moulaison est professeure adjointe à l'École des sciences de l'information. Elle enseigne des cours dans le domaine de l'organisation de l'information. Ses principaux champs d'intérêt comprennent les réseaux sociaux et les étiquettes, la bibliothéconomie comparée et les bibliothèques numériques. Elle publie et présente des communications sur ses sujets d'intérêt à des colloques locaux, nationaux et internationaux.

Quand? Le vendredi 19 novembre 2010, de midi à 13 h
Où? Bibliothéque publique d'Ottawa, Auditorium (120, rue Metcalfe)

Coût :
  • Membres de CLA/ACB : 15$
  • Membres de CLA/ACB (étudiants) : 5$
  • Membres de CLA/ACB (nouveaux diplômés) : 10$
  • Non-membres : 25$
  • Non-membres (étudiants) : 10$
  • Membres individuels d'autres associations (ASTED, CBPQ, SLA, ABRCN, ABO, etc) : 20$
Des rafraîchissements seront servis.

Pour vous inscrire, veuillez envoyer votre nom et votre statut de membre/étudiant à

Si vous désirez un reçu, s'il vous plaît inclure une demande avec votre RSVP avant le 17 novembre.

Pour de plus amples informations, communiquez par courriel avec

Ottawa Public Library Main Branch Tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region

Interested in learning more about the Ottawa Public Library? Want to see how the public library operates on a day-to-day basis?

Join us for a “behind the scenes” tour of the vibrant Main Branch of the Ottawa Public Library at 120 Metcalfe Street on Tuesday, November 9 2010.

The hub of the 33-branch OPL system, the Main Library is the largest library in the system, with the greatest selection of material of all kinds and the most public access Internet stations in the city. Located downtown in the heart of the business and government communities, the Main Library is the place for reference services, including the Ottawa Room, which holds an extensive collection of local historical documents.

Location: Main Branch, Ottawa Public Library, 120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario . Please meet at on the Ground Floor at the main entrance to the library.
Date: Tuesday November 9, 2010
Time: 3:00-4:00pm

Please RSVP by November 6, 2010 at 4:00 pm using the following form

Mark your calendars: Upcoming library tours include the Canadian Museum of Civilization Library and Archives on November 18, the Canadian War Museum Military Research Centre on December 2 and the Library of Parliament on December 7.

Please email if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!