Un message de la GSAÉD...
Voilà encore la célébration mensuelle de notre statut d'étudiants postsecondaires, ce qui vient avec un coût - les frais de scolarité - mais la Soirée des diplômés vous offre une pause en éteindre votre soif.
Alors profitons de ce vendredi avant l'Halloween sombre; venez costumé et recevez double les prestations d'assistance. Ne faites pas comme moi il y a deux années lorsque mon costume était trop épais pour traverser la porte... habillez-vous en ce qui vous permet de dancer aux Motown beats du DJ Brains4breakfast.
Détails de l'événement : www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=153889207982242
Groupe Nostalgica : www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=5387237685
A message from GSAÉD...
It's our monthly celebration of our higher education status, which comes at a price - tuition - but Grad night we will give you some respite by quenching your thirst.
So take advantage of this gloomy Halloween Friday; dress up and get twice the benefits of being there. Don't do like I did a couple years ago when my costume was too big to fit in doorways... wear something that allows you to dance to DJ Brains4breakfast's Motown beats.
Event info: www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=153889207982242
Nostalgica Group info: www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=5387237685
Council Note du Conseil
Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!
28 October 2010
27 October 2010
Great Link: 5 Library Sources for Quick Computer Training
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Une ressource que j'ai trouvée très intéressante
To see the full post click on the link!
J'ai bien apprécié numéros 1 et 2.
5 Library Sources for Quick Computer Training
It’s hard to find good online technology tutorials, especially those for quick and basic computer skills. Harder still to find some that meet our high expectations as information professionals. So why not turn to the library world itself?
Below is a collection of my top 5 favorite sites for these quick computer training materials. These could be webinars, class handouts, tutorials, screencasts, you name it. What’s important is the content. It’s content I’m comfortable pointing a customer or a fellow staff member to if some core computer fundamental skills need improving. Weirdly, two institutions get two mentions apiece — but that’s because what they have is awesome. Browse through what they have, and you might be surprised to find there’s something there for you too!
To see the full post click on the link!
J'ai bien apprécié numéros 1 et 2.
5 Library Sources for Quick Computer Training
It’s hard to find good online technology tutorials, especially those for quick and basic computer skills. Harder still to find some that meet our high expectations as information professionals. So why not turn to the library world itself?
Below is a collection of my top 5 favorite sites for these quick computer training materials. These could be webinars, class handouts, tutorials, screencasts, you name it. What’s important is the content. It’s content I’m comfortable pointing a customer or a fellow staff member to if some core computer fundamental skills need improving. Weirdly, two institutions get two mentions apiece — but that’s because what they have is awesome. Browse through what they have, and you might be surprised to find there’s something there for you too!
19 October 2010
OTTAWA - CLA - Soirée portes ouvertes / Open House
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An English message will follow...
Soirée portes ouvertes de la CLA - le 28 octobre
Kelly Moore, directrice administrative de la CLA, vous invite à la 10e soirée portes ouvertes annuelle de la CLA qui aura lieu le jeudi 28 octobre.
Venez célébrer la clôture du Mois canadien des bibliothèques et venez voir le nouveau bureau de la CLA de 16 h à 19 h.
Le nouveau bureau se situe au 1150, promenade Morrison, bureau 400, à Ottawa (Ontario).(Morrison est au sud de la 417 et de la Pinecrest).
Aucun R.S.V.P. n'est requis pour y participer.
CLA Open House - October 28
Executive Director Kelly Moore invites you to attend the 10th annual CLA Open House on Thursday, October 28.
Come celebrate the end of Canadian Library Month and see the new CLA office at 1150 Morrison Drive, Suite 400 in Ottawa, ON from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. (Morrison is south of the 417 & Pinecrest).
No RSVP required.
Soirée portes ouvertes de la CLA - le 28 octobre
Kelly Moore, directrice administrative de la CLA, vous invite à la 10e soirée portes ouvertes annuelle de la CLA qui aura lieu le jeudi 28 octobre.
Venez célébrer la clôture du Mois canadien des bibliothèques et venez voir le nouveau bureau de la CLA de 16 h à 19 h.
Le nouveau bureau se situe au 1150, promenade Morrison, bureau 400, à Ottawa (Ontario).(Morrison est au sud de la 417 et de la Pinecrest).
Aucun R.S.V.P. n'est requis pour y participer.
CLA Open House - October 28
Executive Director Kelly Moore invites you to attend the 10th annual CLA Open House on Thursday, October 28.
Come celebrate the end of Canadian Library Month and see the new CLA office at 1150 Morrison Drive, Suite 400 in Ottawa, ON from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. (Morrison is south of the 417 & Pinecrest).
No RSVP required.
Supreme Court of Canada Library Tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region
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Did you know that the Supreme Court of Canada has a library? Want to learn more about Canada’s highest court?
Join us for a tour of the courtroom at the Supreme Court of Canada followed by a "behind the scenes" tour of the Supreme Court of Canada Library.
The Library of the Supreme Court of Canada provides the research base for the Court in its role of deciding questions of national importance. It is a research library geared to meet the immediate information needs of the Court.
Location:The Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Date: Wednesday November 3, 2010
Time: 2:30pm
Please RSVP by October 29, 2010 at 3:00 pm using the following form http://tinyurl.com/supremecourttour
Please email ottawalibrarytours@gmail.com if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!
Please note that the Supreme Court has airport type security which you are required to go through before the tour.
Join us for a tour of the courtroom at the Supreme Court of Canada followed by a "behind the scenes" tour of the Supreme Court of Canada Library.
The Library of the Supreme Court of Canada provides the research base for the Court in its role of deciding questions of national importance. It is a research library geared to meet the immediate information needs of the Court.
Location:The Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Date: Wednesday November 3, 2010
Time: 2:30pm
Please RSVP by October 29, 2010 at 3:00 pm using the following form http://tinyurl.com/supremecourttour
Please email ottawalibrarytours@gmail.com if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!
Please note that the Supreme Court has airport type security which you are required to go through before the tour.
14 October 2010
Medical Libraries Tour for students from library science/studies programs in the National Capital Region
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Medical Libraries
Come and explore the many facets of medical librarianship by visiting four medical libraries, two that serve healthcare professionals and two that provide information services to patients and their families.
This tour takes advantage of the close proximity of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the General Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. Both locations have a patient library and a staff library. The Ottawa Hospital portion of the tour will explain more generally what types of services medical libraries provide while the CHEO portion of the tour will explore searching the medical literature in more detail.
Date: Wednesday October 20th at 2:30pm
Meeting Location:The Ottawa Hospital General Campus Critical Care Wing at the Information Desk at 2:30pm. For directions see the following link: http://www.ottawahospital.on.ca/directions/ccw-e.asp
RSVP: Please RSVP by October 18 (registration will close at 3:00pm) using the following form http://tinyurl.com/medicallibrary
Please email ottawalibrarytours@gmail.com if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!
Come and explore the many facets of medical librarianship by visiting four medical libraries, two that serve healthcare professionals and two that provide information services to patients and their families.
This tour takes advantage of the close proximity of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the General Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. Both locations have a patient library and a staff library. The Ottawa Hospital portion of the tour will explain more generally what types of services medical libraries provide while the CHEO portion of the tour will explore searching the medical literature in more detail.
Date: Wednesday October 20th at 2:30pm
Meeting Location:The Ottawa Hospital General Campus Critical Care Wing at the Information Desk at 2:30pm. For directions see the following link: http://www.ottawahospital.on.ca/directions/ccw-e.asp
RSVP: Please RSVP by October 18 (registration will close at 3:00pm) using the following form http://tinyurl.com/medicallibrary
Please email ottawalibrarytours@gmail.com if you have sent an RSVP and cannot attend so the group is not waiting. Thank you!
08 October 2010
La semaine du libre accès/Open Access Week
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La semaine internationale du libre accès aura lieu du 18 au 22 octobre
Voici un lien direct à la page web dédiée au libre accès et à la semaine du libre accès à l'Université d'Ottawa : http://www.oa.uottawa.ca/oaweek.jsp?language=fr
Une liste d'activités à l'Université d'Ottawa comprend :
International Open Access Week will be held from Oct. 18 to 22
Here is the direct link to University of Ottawa's page for OA Week on their OA site: http://www.oa.uottawa.ca/oaweek.jsp?language=en
Highlights for OA Week at the University of Ottawa include:
Voici un lien direct à la page web dédiée au libre accès et à la semaine du libre accès à l'Université d'Ottawa : http://www.oa.uottawa.ca/oaweek.jsp?language=fr
Une liste d'activités à l'Université d'Ottawa comprend :
- Un séminaire pour les professeurs et les étudiant(e)s des cycles supérieurs sur des stratégies pour augmenter la visibilité et l'impact de leur recherche
- Une projection du documentaire de l'ONF primé « Rip! A Remix Manifesto », présenté par Mary Cavanagh (Sciences de l'information) et Rocci Luppicini (Communications)
- Une présentation d'apps développées à l'aide de données ouvertes
- Annonce de nouveaux titres des presses uO et des titres qui seront ajoutés à Recherche uO
- Annonce d'un nouveau programme de recherche avec bourses pour les chercheurs intéressés par le libre accès
International Open Access Week will be held from Oct. 18 to 22
Here is the direct link to University of Ottawa's page for OA Week on their OA site: http://www.oa.uottawa.ca/oaweek.jsp?language=en
Highlights for OA Week at the University of Ottawa include:
- Seminar for profs and grad students on increasing the visibility of their research
- Screening of award-winning NFB documentary, “Rip! A Remix Manifesto” presented by Mary Cavanagh (Information Studies) and Rocci Luppicini (Communication)
- Showcase of apps developed using open data
- Announcement of new titles from the uO Press being added to uO Research
- Announcement of a new research program with grants for researchers interested in open access
Librarians We Love - Calgary Herald
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Did you know October was Canadian Library Month?
Ontario Public Library week also falls in this month (Oct. 17th - 23rd)!
J'ai donc crus approprié de vous partager un article publié dans le Calgary Herald, intitulé Librarians We Love, que j'ai croisé au travail. Bonne lecture!
Ontario Public Library week also falls in this month (Oct. 17th - 23rd)!
J'ai donc crus approprié de vous partager un article publié dans le Calgary Herald, intitulé Librarians We Love, que j'ai croisé au travail. Bonne lecture!
07 October 2010
World’s biggest book’ goes on sale for $100,000
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An Australian publisher unveiled what he says is the biggest book in the world Wednesday, seemingly in a bid to steal the spotlight from his digital rivals.
The 6-by-9 foot atlas titled “EARTH, Platinum edition” will sell for $100,000, Gordon Cheers, managing director of the publishing company of Millennium House, told the AFP, and he’s limiting the print run to 31 copies. The tome features massive maps that encompass entire continents as well as sharp images of famous locations. Read more...
That is one spectacular book! See the picture in the full article.
The 6-by-9 foot atlas titled “EARTH, Platinum edition” will sell for $100,000, Gordon Cheers, managing director of the publishing company of Millennium House, told the AFP, and he’s limiting the print run to 31 copies. The tome features massive maps that encompass entire continents as well as sharp images of famous locations. Read more...
That is one spectacular book! See the picture in the full article.
06 October 2010
ASTED - Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec
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- Posted on behalf of H. Moulaison -
An English message will follow...
Nouvelles de l'ASTED!
Participez au prochain Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec (du 3 au 5 novembre 2010) à Montréal!
Les étudiants peuvent y assister au prix de 75 $ (accès à tout, sans restriction), ou ils peuvent simplement assister aux ateliers GRATUITEMENT s'ils sont déjà membres d'organisations partenaires (la SLA, l'ASTED, etc.).
OU BIEN - et ceci est ce qu'il y a de plus excitant - les étudiants ont aussi l'option de s'offrir comme bénévole pour une demi-journée et puis assister à des sessions durant l'autre moitié de leur journée! Les tâches décrites ne sont pas exigeantes: participer à l'accueil des participants, des petites tâches variées, aide technique dans les pièces de présentation, etc.
Veuillez envoyer un courriel à info@milieuxdoc.ca si cette option vous intéresse et ils vous mettront à la tâche.
Breaking news!
Be a part of the upcoming Congrès des milieux documentaries du Québec (Nov. 3-5, 2010) in Montreal!
Students can attend for $75 dollars (full access to everything) or can attend workshops for FREE if they are members of the partner organizations (SLA, ASTED, etc.)
OR - and this is probably the most exciting of all – students can work for a half day as volunteers and then attend sessions the other half of the day! The tasks they describe are not onerous – just meet-and-greet, gopher, or room tech help, etc.
Email info@milieuxdoc.ca if interested, and they’ll put you to work.
An English message will follow...
Nouvelles de l'ASTED!
Participez au prochain Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec (du 3 au 5 novembre 2010) à Montréal!
Les étudiants peuvent y assister au prix de 75 $ (accès à tout, sans restriction), ou ils peuvent simplement assister aux ateliers GRATUITEMENT s'ils sont déjà membres d'organisations partenaires (la SLA, l'ASTED, etc.).
OU BIEN - et ceci est ce qu'il y a de plus excitant - les étudiants ont aussi l'option de s'offrir comme bénévole pour une demi-journée et puis assister à des sessions durant l'autre moitié de leur journée! Les tâches décrites ne sont pas exigeantes: participer à l'accueil des participants, des petites tâches variées, aide technique dans les pièces de présentation, etc.
Veuillez envoyer un courriel à info@milieuxdoc.ca si cette option vous intéresse et ils vous mettront à la tâche.
Breaking news!
Be a part of the upcoming Congrès des milieux documentaries du Québec (Nov. 3-5, 2010) in Montreal!
Students can attend for $75 dollars (full access to everything) or can attend workshops for FREE if they are members of the partner organizations (SLA, ASTED, etc.)
OR - and this is probably the most exciting of all – students can work for a half day as volunteers and then attend sessions the other half of the day! The tasks they describe are not onerous – just meet-and-greet, gopher, or room tech help, etc.
Email info@milieuxdoc.ca if interested, and they’ll put you to work.
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