Council Note du Conseil

Élections de l'AÉSISSA Elections 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!

30 September 2010

Appel de communication/Call for papers

La GSAÉD vous invite à sa 14e conférence interdisciplinaire qui se tiendra les 2, 3 et 4 mars prochains à l’Université d’Ottawa sous le thème État de nature. Ce colloque bilingue s’inscrit dans une logique d’interdisciplinarité et vise à enrichir la réflexion et les discussions sur des thèmes qui nous touchent tous. Lorsque pris dans son actualité, le concept d’état de nature amène une foule de questions concernant autant la nature et l’environnement que l’organisation sociale et le vivre ensemble.
Dans le cadre de l’évènement de cette année, nous invitons donc les étudiant(e)s inscrits aux études supérieures à venir présenter toute recherche s’inscrivant dans cette thématique qui appelle les réflexions sur :
  • Les percées technologiques et la gestion environnementale ;
  • Les impacts des changements climatiques ;
  • La cohésion et l'exclusion sociale ;
  • La place de l'individu au sein de la société ;
  • Les politiques publiques et le vivre ensemble ;
  • Le rapport entre le droit et l’environnement ;
  • Les innovations scientifiques ;
  • La biodiversité ;
  • La nature en tant qu'inspiration artistique et philosophique ;
  • Les liens entre changements sociaux et création artistique ;
  • La diversité culturelle ;
  • L’éthique ;
  • La sécurité et l'intégrité personnelle et sociale ;
  • Etc.
Les communications, en français ou en anglais, prendront la forme d’une présentation orale d’une quinzaine de minutes incluant une période de questions de 10 minutes. Les propositions doivent être accompagnées d'un résumé ne dépassant pas 300 mots, du niveau et du domaine d’étude de l’auteur(e).

Prière de faire parvenir ces renseignements par courriel avant le 15 décembre 2010 à


The GSAÉD invites you to its 14th interdisciplinary conference, which will take place on March 2, 3, and 4, 2011, at the University of Ottawa, under the theme of State of Nature. With the idea of interdisciplinarity at its core, this bilingual event seeks to encourage reflection and discussion of themes that affect us all. When taken as a whole, the concept of state of nature brings forward a wealth of questions concerning a wide range of subjects, from nature and the environment to social organization and interpersonal relations.

As part of this year's event, we therefore wish to encourage graduate students to present any research that falls under the theme outlined above and that promotes reflection on subjects such as:
  • Technological innovations & the environment;
  • Climate change and its impacts;
  • Social cohesion and exclusion;
  • The place of the individual in society;
  • Public policies;
  • Environmental law;
  • Scientific innovations;
  • Biodiversity;
  • Nature as a source of artistic inspiration;
  • Links between social change and artistic creation;
  • Cultural diversity;
  • Ethics;
  • Social and individual security and integrity;
  • Etc.

 Participants are expected to present their research in either French or English. Each conference must not exceed 15 minutes, and will be followed by a 10 minute question period. Proposals must include the presenter's discipline and level of study, as well as an abstract no longer than 300 words.
Please forward your proposals to by December 15th, 2010.

Installations sportives au campus Lees/ Sports Facilities at Lees campus

English message follows.

Il se peut que des installations sportives deviennent disponibles aux étudiants au campus Lees.

Lynne Bowker a communiqué auprès du Service des sports au nom des étudiants et des professeurs :

«J'ai parlé avec quelqu'un du Service des sports et il m’a dit qu’en effet ils envisagent d'organiser quelque chose pour nous ici, mais qu’ils aimeraient savoir quels types d'activités sont d'intérêt à notre groupe (par exemple, cours d'aérobie, le yoga, le badminton, le volleyball, etc. ), et si nous profiterions effectivement de ces programmes et quand.»

Nous avons besoin de la rétroaction de la part des étudiants :

1) Quel genre de programmes d’activité physique vous intéresseraient? Quelques possibilités incluent des cours d'aérobie ou de yoga, du badminton et du volleyball. Avez-vous d'autres suggestions ou activités préférées?
2) Pensez-vous que vous alliez utiliser les installations sportives à Lees se elles vous étaient disponibles?
3) Quels sont les jours et heures qui vous conviendraient le mieux?

Vous pouvez soumettre vos réponses dans la section “commentaires” ci-dessous, ou nous les faire parvenir par courriel à

Une fois que nous avons reçu vos commentaires, nous les transmetterons à Lynne et elle travaillera avec le Service des sports pour tenter de nous organiser quelque chose pour le semestre d’hiver 2011.

There is a possibility of sport facilities being made available to students at Lees Campus.

Lynne Bowker has been talking to Sports Services on behalf of students and Faculty:

“I spoke with someone in Sports Services, and he said that they would indeed consider organizing something for us out here, but they would like to know what types of activities are of interest (e.g. aerobics class, yoga, badminton, volleyball, etc.), and whether anyone would actually avail of such programs and when.”

We need to hear from students:

1) What kind of sport/fitness programs interest you? Some possibilities include yoga, aerobics, badminton and volleyball. Do you have other suggestions or favourite activities?
2) Would you use the sports facilities at Lees if they were available?
3) What days and times would work best for you?

You can leave your feedback in the comments section below or email it to

Once we gather input, we will pass it on to Lynne and she will work with Sports Services to try to have something organized for the winter term of this year.

Free Lecture: Resurrecting the Ancient Library of Alexandria

Tony Harava passed this on:

in cooperation with
The Canadian Institute of Mediterranean Studies
The Alumni Association of the American University of Beirut - Ottawa Chapter

Hassan M. Eltaher

The presentation will review the history of the Library’s conception by the ancient
Greeks, show artist renditions of its architecture, give an overview of the classification
system devised by its founders, and the overall significance and meaning of the library in
its times. It will also discuss the philosophical and architectural concept of the new
library that was inaugurated in 2002 practically on the same site as the Greek library built
2300 years ago in the city of Alexandria. The symbolism adopted in the architecture, the
international effort led by UNESCO to ensure international participation in the project,
and the meaning of the new library to the world and today’s Egypt, will also be

2010 October 12 (Tuesday), 7:30pm
Library and Archives Canada, Room A
Free Admission
A reception will follow the lecture

29 September 2010

Tour for MIS students

MLIS and LIT students in the National Capital Region are invited to a tour of the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre.

Date: October 7, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00pm

Located in Gatineau, Québec, the Library and Archives Canada Preservation Centre houses all of Library and Archives Canada’s preservation laboratories. Also included in this building are records storage vaults which accommodate a significant portion of Canada’s documentary heritage. Join us for a behind the scenes tour of the preservation Centre.

Please RSVP by 4pm on Wednesday, September 29th as there is limited space on this tour.

Send RSVP to:

27 September 2010




La Faculté s’engage dans un processus de planification stratégique quinquennal en constituant cinq tables de concertation. Chacune de ces tables se compose de deux coprésidents (dont au moins un directeur), un membre du comité de gestion, trois professeurs réguliers, et autres membres désignés ci-après.

Chacune des tables sera invitée à consulter les membres de la Faculté et à produire un rapport pour le comité de gestion. Ce rapport sera par la suite soumis au comité exécutif puis au conseil de Faculté.

Toute personne intéressée à se joindre à l’une ou l’autre des tables, soit à titre de coprésident, de représentant du corps professoral ou des étudiants, est priée de manifester son intérêt auprès du vice-doyen à la gouvernance et secrétaire d’ici le 8 octobre 2010.


1. Formation fondamentale : (Marc Brosseau / VACANT), 3 professeurs réguliers, 2 membres du personnel administratif, 2 étudiants de premier cycle, 1 membre du comité de gestion.

2. Nouvelles orientations dans les programmes et modes de livraison (technologie): (Lynne Bowker / Pierluigi Piovanelli), 3 professeurs réguliers, 2 membres du personnel administratif, 1 étudiant de premier cycle, 1 étudiant aux études supérieures, 1 membre du comité de gestion.

3. Expérience étudiante au 1er cycle : (Jeff Keshen / VACANT), 3 professeurs réguliers, 2 membres du personnel administratif, 2 étudiants de premier cycle, 1 membre du comité de gestion.
4. Expérience étudiante aux études supérieures (Daniel Paré / VACANT): 3 professeurs réguliers, 2 membres du personnel administratif, 2 étudiants aux études supérieures, 1 membre du comité de gestion.

5. Appui à la recherche (Luise Von Flotow/ VACANT) : 3 professeurs réguliers, 1 membre du personnel administratif, 1 membre du comité de gestion.

Le vice-doyen à la gouvernance et secrétaire
Denis Bachand (



As part of its 5-year strategic planning process, the Faculty is setting up five consultation tables. The composition of the Tables will be as follows: two co-presidents (one of whom is a Department Head), one member from the Management Committee, three regular Professors, and other members, as indicated below.

Each table is expected to consult the Faculty as a whole and to supply the Management Committee with a report. This report will then be submitted to the Executive Committee and to Faculty Council.

If you wish to join one of the tables, either as co-president or as a professor or student representative, please contact the Vice-Dean Governance and Secretary before October 8, 2010.


1. Basic Skills (Marc Brosseau / VACANT): 3 regular professors, 2 support staff members, 2 undergraduate students, 1 member of the Management Committee.

2. New directions in programs and modes of delivery (technology): (Lynne Bowker / Pierluigi Piovanelli): 3 regular professors, 2 members of the support staff, 1 undergraduate student, 1 graduate student, 1 member of the Management Committee.

3. Undergraduate student experience (Jeff Keshen / VACANT): 3 regular professors, 2 members of the support staff, 2 undergraduate students, 1 member of the Management Committee.

4. Graduate student experience (Daniel Paré / VACANT): 3 regular professors, 2 members of the support staff, 2 graduate students, 1 member of the Management Committee.

5. Research support (Luise Von Flotow / VACANT): 3 regular professors, 1 member of the support staff, 1 member of the Management Committee.

Denis Bachand (
Vice-Dean Governance and Secretary

23 September 2010

Nouveaux meubles et réfrigérateur pour le salon des étudiants/New Furniture and Fridge for the Student Lounge

Les nouveaux meubles et le réfrigérateur pour la salle B-165 sont finalement arrivés. Stockez vos repas dans le frigo et profitez de l'espace étudiant amélioré!
The new furniture and fridge for B-165 have finally arrived.  Store your meals in the fridge and enjoy the improved student space!

22 September 2010

Semantic Digital Libraries

Here's an interesting slideshare, posted by Sebastian Kruk (find about him at his About Me page), explaining Sematic Digital Libraries.
"After this presentation you will know:
- What is the sematic digital library system
- Existing solution in varying degrees of detail"

20 September 2010

Soirée informelle / Informal Gathering @ Royal Oak!

An English message will follow...

Bonne rentrée à tous!
Avez-vous eu l’occasion de rencontrer d'autres inscrits au programme de M.S.I.?

L’AÉSISSA se rencontre pour une soirée informelle au Royal Oak au 221, promenade Echo, le vendredi 1er octobre à 18 h 30. (
Chacun assurera les coûts de leur propre consommation ou de leur nourriture; il s’agit vraiment d’une simple occasion de rencontre et d’échange.

Si vous aimeriez y être, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Céline St-Martin à par le lundi 27 septembre afin qu’on puisse réserver des tables en avance.

Venez revoir des visages ou en rencontrer des nouveaux.
Nous avons hâte de rencontrer le nouveau groupe d’étudiants!
Les profs y sont aussi la bienvenue!

Céline St-Martin
Agente des communications, AÉSISSA

Welcome - or welcome back - everyone!
Have you had the chance to meet everyone in your classes yet?

AÉSISSA is meeting for an informal pub night at the Royal Oak at 221, Echo Dr., on Friday, Oct 1st at 6:30pm. (
Everyone will be paying for their own drink and/or food; this is really just a simple gathering to give us all the chance to meet and exchange.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Céline St-Martin at by Monday, September 27th, so we may reserve tables at the Royal Oak.

Come see familiar faces, and meet new ones.
We’re looking forward to meeting the new group of students!
Profs are also welcome to join!

Céline St-Martin
Communications Officer, AÉSISSA

19 September 2010

askON Virtual Reference Interns Additional Info

Please see previous post for the job description.

What's in it for you?
  • Extensive training that will strengthen your reference skills.
  • Experience in virtual reference, a skill that is highly desirable to employers.
  • Opportunity to network with librarians who will work on the service with you.
  • Mentorship by professionals in the field.
  • A reference letter from askON / Ondemande that testifies to your training and experience.
  • An employment reference from Ask Ontario.

What do you have to do?

  • Be interested in reference and virtual reference in particular
  • Be available to participate in virtual training (2 1hr sessions).
  • Commit to covering two, one hour shifts in the askON/ONdemande service during 2010-2011. Most shifts will be scheduled on weekends and/or evenings. Scheduling is flexible.
  • Sign a privacy and confidentiality agreement


Where can I find out more about Ask Ontario?

Check out to see a list of participating libraries.
Explore for more info. about askON.

What qualifications is askON looking for?

You need to have access to a reliable computer and high-speed Internet. You also need to be enthusiastic about reference, comfortable with online communication and be reasonably competent with technology (e.g. regularly use text/IM, download software, work with multiple windows, use portals/wikis). We are particularly looking for interns who can work in french to fill some staffing gaps in our ONdemande service. See the job advertisement for desirable skills and qualification details.

Where will I be working from?

You can work your shift(s) from anywhere, as long as you have access to a computer and the Internet.

Will I be paid for this?

This is a volunteer opportunity. However, the skills you will acquire will serve you well in your job search. Employers love applicants who are already trained in virtual reference and/or have front line reference experience.

When will my shifts occur?

Most intern shifts will be on the weekends and evenings and should not conflict with your classes.

Will I be alone on the service?

No, you will never be alone. Several librarians from public and academic libraries will be online with you, and you will be able to communicate with them and receive support through the staff backchat channel.

Will I be trained?

Yes! We will train you on the software you will use to answer questions, the askON service policies and how to use our staff portal. We will also teach you how to effectively answer reference questions in a virtual environment.

If you are interested, send your resume and a cover letter to Jan Dawson, by October 15, 2010.

Only intern candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. We thank everyone for their interest in askON.

askON Virtual Reference Interns

Knowledge Ontario – Ask Ontario
askON Virtual Reference Interns
Volunteer Internship; 2 hours per week; virtual location

Ask Ontario is the project of Knowledge Ontario (KO) focused on delivering real- time chat reference services for the province. The project successfully launched askON/ONdemande Ontario’s first multi-type, large-scale, bilingual, collaborative virtual reference service in January 2008 and doubled the size of the service by September 2009. askON is seeking to augment our pool of second year MLIS/MLS/MIS candidates or recent graduates who intern with askON/Ondemande and help partner libraries manage the busy traffic on the
virtual reference desk.

Job Summary
Under the direction of the Ask Ontario Project Coordinator and with the supervision and mentorship of askON librarians interns will be given the opportunity to learn and practice their reference skills in a busy collaborative virtual reference service.

Interns will be trained by the askON project team and scheduled for at least two, one-hour shifts per week. There is flexibility within scheduling to fit with school, work and other commitments. Most shifts will be on weekends and evenings and will, as a priority, be in the ONdemande service. Student interns will have full access to the askON staff resources and tools in the staff portal. We are seeking volunteers who can commit to at least one academic term (Sept-Dec 2010) but preferably the entire academic year (Sept 10-April 2011). askON shifts can be filled from any location as long as there is a high-speed Internet connection.


  • Become familiar with askON service policies and procedures as well as the services and sites of partner libraries
  • Become familiar with RUSA guidelines for good virtual reference interactions and employ them while responding to queries
  • Respond to questions from visitors to askON’s public, college or university service as assigned
  • Identify teaching opportunities and help improve digital literacy and research skills amongst visitors
  • Participate in askON live, virtual and buddy training program(s)

Desired Qualifications

  • Ability to work in French is required as we are seeking interns who can, as a priority, work in the ONdemande service
  • Second year MLS/MLIS/MIS candidate or recent (09 or 10) graduate
  • Familiarity with Scholar’s Portal, Racer, RefWorks and other common academic research tools and resources
  • Familiarity with wide range of publicly available internet resources
  • Familiarity with Knowledge Ontario licensed resources
  • Experience in a public or post-secondary reference environment highly desirable but not required
  • Strong desire to work in a research and reference environment
  • Well developed interpersonal and communication skills
  • Self directed and motivated
  • Experience with Web 2.0 technologies, specifically Skype, IM/SMS, portals and blogs
  • Some familiarity with the askON service
  • Computer and high speed internet connection required
  • Moderate technical ability (able to download web-based software, manage multiple windows)

For more Information

Visit or or see the job posting and FAQ on the School of Information Studies Ontario job board.

To Apply

Applications with cover letters must be received in electronic format and addressed to:

Jan Dawson

Interested candidates must be able to participate in a 2hr virtual training session.

Closing Date for applications is October 15, 2010

Due to the anticipated volume of response only students/candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. We thank everyone for their interest.

17 September 2010 Offre d'emploi/Job Posting recherche des candidats pour le poste d’Agent ou agente de communication et de recherche
Sous la direction du directeur général, l’agent ou l’agente de communication et de recherche sera responsable des activités de communication et de marketing de Le ou la titulaire sera responsable, en particulier, du développement et du maintien d’une stratégie de communication et de sa mise en oeuvre tactique en élaborant des documents de communication qui auront un impact sur les diverses parties prenantes impliquées dans

Date limite
Vendredi le 8 octobre, 2010.
Le comité de sélection commencera à examiner les candidatures à compter du 12 octobre 2010.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seeks candidates for Communications and Research Officer
Under the direction of the Executive Director, the Communications and Research Officer will be responsible for the communications and marketing activities of In particular, the incumbent will be responsible for the development and maintenance of a communication strategy and its tactical implementation crafting communications material that will resonate with the various stakeholders involved in

Friday, October 8, 2010.
The Selection Committee will begin reviewing applications on October 12, 2010.

16 September 2010

Salon des étudiants (B-165)/Student Lounge (B-165)


Si la porte au B-165 est barrée et qu'il n'y a personne au bureau de l'ÉSIS pour la débarrer, les étudiants peuvent aller au bureau du Service de la protection près de l'entrée du 200, Lees. L'agent de sécurité débarrera la porte pour vous, mais il se peut qu'il vous demandera de lui montrer votre carte étudiante.



If the door to B-165 is locked and no one from the ÉSIS office is available to unlock it, students can go to the Protection Services office situated near the front entrance of 200 Lees. The security guard will unlock the door for you, but you may be asked to show your student ID.

Salon des carrières du secteur public/Public Sector Career Fair

Lieu : Centre universitaire (promenade)
Contact : ou 613-562-5806
Date : mardi 05 octobre 2010
Heure : 10:00 – 15:00

Détails de l’activité: Le Service des carrières (SASS) de l'Université d'Ottawa vous invite à participer au Salon des carrières du secteur public 2010. Lire la suite...


Location: University Centre (concourse)
Contact: or 613-562-5806
Date: Tuesday, 5th of October 2010
Time: 10:00 AM – 03:00 PM

Event Description: The University of Ottawa Career Services (SASS) invites you to attend the 2010 Public Sector Career Fair. Read more...

15 September 2010

Services alimentaires à 200 Lees/Food services at 200 Lees

Ces nouvelles heures d'ouverture entreront en vigueur le lundi 20 septembre
  • lundi 8 h - 16 h

  • mardi 8 h - 20 h

  • mercredi 8 h - 20 h

  • jeudi 8 h - 20 h

  • vendredi 8 h - 14 h 30


New hours of operations will come into effect Monday, September 20
  • Monday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

  • Tuesday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

  • Wednesday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm

  • Thursday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Friday 8:00 – 2:30 pm

Library information desk

Je n'ai pu résister à cette photo d'un bureau de référence fait à partir de vieux livres recyclés.
Click on the link to view pictures of a stylin' reference desk made of recyclables!
link: Library information desk

14 September 2010

CLA-CASLIS Ottawa Programming Season Launch

CLA-CASLIS Ottawa invites you to the launch of our new season of programs at the Raw Sugar Café! Join us for some conversation and snacks.

We have exciting learning and networking events planned for the next year and would love to share them with you.

Come get a sneak preview of our events for the year and enjoy an evening of socializing and networking with your colleagues.

And if you have ideas for future activities or would like to be involved, the CLA-CASLIS Ottawa executive wants to hear from you!

Networking over snacks – what could be finer?

Where: Raw Sugar Café, 692 Somerset St W (near Bronson), Ottawa, ON
Date:Thursday, September 23, 2010
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Cost: Free. Snacks will be provided. Additional Food and drinks available for purchase.

Please RSVP by emailing

CLA CASLIS is Canada's association for special libraries and information services. Our mission is to support and strengthen our community and advance its information professionals.

Find out more at

Is information management a dying art?

Thursday, October 14, 2010, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Ottawa Public Library Auditorium (120 Metcalfe)

In today’s outsourced, disposable society, public and private sector organizations may be tempted to trust technology to manage our information assets. In addition, if it were not for the requirement to comply, we might very well ignore Information Management (IM) all together!

This session will present the argument that IM as a discipline may no longer be needed due to advances in technology. Driving factors behind IM, and generational and behavioural issues, will also be discussed. Audience participation will be encouraged so that the premise, “IM Is Dead”, can be refuted or supported.

More information:

08 September 2010

Useful websites

This list of useful websites and online communication tools was compiled by Andre Vellino.


Here are some “generally useful web sites” that were briefly mentioned at the Orientation Day info-session:

Some professors use Blackboard as a web-tool for communicating with students, distributing grades, quizzes, handing out course material etc.

The InfoWeb site at the university of Ottawa is the web-vehicle for "secure" services (personal information / grades etc.) -> InfoWeb

UOzone is a personalized portal created by the University of Ottawa which provides personalized information and alerts from professors, faculty in a single-sign-one environment.

By all means familiarize yourself with UOzone via the YouTube Video

Last year, the School set up a Google Groups mailing list to which students, faculty and alumni could subscribe (or unsubscribe). This Google Groups mailing list will be discontinued as a method for faculty to communicate announcements to students. In the future, faculty announcements will be made via the school mailing list which only contains UOttawa mailing addresses. Therefore:

Some courses may use a blogs as a method of communicating course-material (as an alternative to Blackboard)

One such (commercial) blog site is

Other courses will be requiring you to learn how to use Wikis so that students can collaboratively create documents or resources together, e.g.

Yet other courses may ask you to learn a variety of collaborative bibliography sites such as:

These will also introduce you to some important technologies in Web 2.0 such as social tagging, RSS feeds, recommender systems.

07 September 2010


Ramassez vos agendas GRATUITS de la GSAÉD dans le bureau principal à 200 Lees (B-153).
Pick up your FREE agendas from GSAÉD in the main office at 200 Lees (B-153).

06 September 2010


Venez au plus gros évènement jamais organisé par GSAÉD! Un évènement marquant l'histoire de votre université...nous fermons 2 rue (Cumberland et Université) juste pour VOUS.

Lieu: Au coin des rues Cumberland et Université (en face de Café Nostalgica)
Ville: Ottawa
Début: 9 sept 2010 (18:00)
Fin: 9 sept 2010 (23:00)
Prix: Gratuit

Plus de détails ici


Don't miss the biggest event/party ever held on the campus of the University of Ottawa! This year's Welcome Week will definetly set the tone for the coming year! We are closing 2 streets just for you! (Cumberland/University)
Venue: Corner of Cumberland/University (in front of Café Nostalgica)
City: Ottawa
Starting: Thursday, September 09, 2010 (6:00 pm)
Ending: Friday, September 10, 2010 (1:00 am)
Cost: FREE
More details here

01 September 2010

Le Conseil exécutif de l'AÉSISSA / AÉSISSA's Executive Council

Nous vous présentons le Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA pour l'année académique 2010-2011 :

Présidente - Melissa Cheung
Agente des communications - Céline St-Martin
Affaires académiques : représentant des étudiants à plein-temps - Cam Laforest
Affaires académiques : représentant des étudiants à temps-partiel - Jason Friedman
Webmestre - Melanie Hachey
Agente des finances - Heather Delisle

Les postes suivants sont encore à combler :

Agent de planification d'événements

Les personnes intéressées à combler un de ces postes sont priées d’envoyer un courriel à Veuillez bien noter que les postes sont comblés à base volontaire en cette année de pré-élection.


Introducing AÉSISSA’s Executive Council for the 2010-2011 academic year:

President - Melissa Cheung
Communications Officer - Céline St-Martin
Academic Affairs: Full-Time Student Representative - Cam Laforest
Academic Affairs: Part-Time Student Representative - Jason Friedman
Webmaster - Melanie Hachey
Financial Officer - Heather Delisle

The following positions are still open:

Events Planning Officer

Those interested in one of these positions should send an email to Please note that positions are filled on a volunteer basis in this pre-election year.

Devenez auteur du blogue / Become a blog author

English message follows

À les membres de l'AÉSISSA:

Devenez auteur du blogue!

Si vous désirez que nous vous ajoutions comme auteur du blogue afin de pouvoir publier votre propre contenu, veuillez envoyer votre adresse Gmail à et nous vous enverrons une invitation. Si vous n'avez pas un compte Gmail, vous pouvez en créer un expressément pour publier sur le blogue; c'est facile et gratuit. Votre adresse courriel ne sera utilisée que pour vous envoyer une invitation; il ne sera pas visible sur le blogue. Si vous préférez ne pas utiliser votre adresse, mais que vous aimeriez quand même publier du contenu, vous pouvez nous le faire parvenir par courriel avec la ligne d'objet « Afficher s’il vous plaît » et votre message sera affiché pour vous par la webmestre.

To AÉSISSA members:

Become a Blog Author!

If you want to be added as an author on the blog, so you can post your own content, please send your Gmail address to and you will be sent an invitation. If you don’t have a Gmail address, you can create one specifically for posting on the blog; it’s easy and free. Your email address will be used to send you an invitation only, it will not be visible on the blog. If you don't want to use your email address but you still want to post content, you can email it to AÉSISSA with the subject line 'Please Post' and it will be posted for you by the Webmaster.