Council Note du Conseil

Élections de l'AÉSISSA Elections 2011

Félicitations aux nouveaux membres de l'Exécutif de l'AÉSISSA!
Congratulations to the new AÉSISSA executive council!

29 July 2010

Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa et le libre accès/University of Ottawa Press and open access

Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa lancent une collection libre accès innovatrice

OTTAWA, le 28 juillet 2010 — Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa (PUO) ont le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement d’une collection libre accès qui vient faciliter la consultation libre et gratuite des travaux de recherche scientifique. Lire la suite

University of Ottawa Press launches innovative open access collection

OTTAWA, July 28, 2010 — The University of Ottawa Press (UOP) is pleased to announce the launch of a new open access collection that supports free and unrestricted access to scholarly research. Read more

27 July 2010

New Copyright Rules in the US

From Crunch Gear: "It’s no longer illegal under the DMCA to jailbreak your iPhone or bypass a DVD’s CSS in order to obtain fair use footage for educational purposes or criticism." Read the list of new rules for a complete breakdown of how things have changed.

Micheal Geist also wrote an article addressing the changes and contrasting them with Canada's new rules under C-32, arguing that Canada's rules are more restrictive than they need to be.

Librarians Can Do Everything

And in other strange library news...

From a 1921 article in the Ashburton Guardian: "Quite accidentally Mr F. Martin Duncan, librarian to the Zoological Society, discovered he could hypnotize lobsters."

Read all about it at Papers Past

23 July 2010


This is so cool I almost question if it's for real.

Check it out...

Source: 3 Geeks and a Law Blog

22 July 2010

Get rid of the reference desk?!

The Library at McMaster University has done away with their reference desk and introduced "blended services" which allow their patrons to go to one desk for all their library needs - circulation and reference.

You can read about it at these two posts from the McMaster Library blog: Reference Desk - GONE and More on the Reference Desk is Gone

What do you think? Is this a good idea? Or, at the risk of being overly dramatic here, is this the end of the world? How important is a separate reference desk at an academic library?

Google to join the e-book market

According to a blog post at TNW, google is about to launch Google Editions, a platform for selling e-books.

Read about it: How Google Plans to Crush the E-Book Market

21 July 2010

Are Libraries the Next Big Pop Culture Craze?

Heather Moulaison pointed out this fun article from the blog Monkey See on NPR that explains why there's been so much buzz around libraries lately - from videos, like Study like a scholar, scholar and Librarians do Gaga (both of which generated tons of views on YouTube and have been shared on this blog), to the world's new found respect for nerds and geeks. Plus, who can't get on board with an article that puts libraries and cupcakes in the same category?

Read Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries.

Trailor for a children's book

20 July 2010

E-books Revisited

André Vellino forwarded along this cartoon from Speed Bump:

This inspired André to blog about two points that this cartoon pokes fun of, that "e-book readers have poor screen resolution and digitization degrades the quality of information." Read the rest at André's blog Synthèse.

New U-Pass Update/FAQ links

For English, follow links below and toggle "English" on OC Transpo site.
Note that this does not affect part-time grad students.
Bonne journée,

Pour suivre les derniers développements sur l'utilisation du laissez-passer universel (UPASS)d'autobus avec OC Transpo:

Détails de l'entente:


19 July 2010

Speed Bump - Kindle

Heather Moulaison pointed this out to me - from Speed Bump by Dave Coverly via Spectrum.

"I Write Like"

"I Write Like" is a website featured in a Toronto Star article. The website analyzes writing samples using keywords and gives you the name of a famous author who has a similar writing style as you. Who do you write like?

To read the article, click on the following link:
‘I Write Like’ finds your inner author -

Or try the website:

-- Melissa

16 July 2010

Study like a scholar, scholar

I love this. You should watch it.

"8 out of 5 dentists say that studying in the library is 6 bajillion times more effective than studying in your shower"

15 July 2010

Old Spice Guy on Libraries

Special Library Tours

Hi Everyone,

CASLIS has organized tours of various libraries in Ottawa. The next upcoming tours are the Canadian War Museum Military History Research Centre and Industry Canada's Library and Knowledge Centre (where I am doing my co-op).

-- Melissa

Tours for students from library science/studies programs working the National Capital Region:

Canadian War Museum Military History Research Centre
Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 3:00 PM
Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place

The Canadian War Museum’s Military History Research Centre houses, in one convenient location, the George Metcalf Archival Collection and the Hartland Molson Library. These extensive national collections of primary and secondary research material document Canada’s military history from the pre-contact period to the present.

The hour-long tour will explore the library, archival, and photo collection, as well as a behind the scenes look at the storage vaults and facilities.

Note: Admission to the museum is free on Thursday from 4pm to 8pm.

To sign up:

Organized by the Canadian Library Association, CASLIS Government Section Next Generation Network

Industry Canada's Library and Knowledge Centre
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 3:00 PM

Industry Canada, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa

Industry Canada’s Library and Knowledge Centre (LKC) goes beyond traditional library services, by offering Industry Canada staff an impressive collection on such subjects as economics, manufacturing, science & technology, telecommunications and small business. Our collection includes over 63 000 print items and more than 50 specialized electronic resources, which are available right at employees’ desktops.

This tour will provide students with an opportunity to visit the LKC’s Information Commons, to learn about our vision and our innovative library services model which includes the Portfolio Service Model, newly re-designed intranet site (LibraryLink) and use of web 2.0 technology to develop a dynamic wiki space (LibraryWiki) and blog (LibraryLog).

To sign up:

For more events, visit:

Organized by the Canadian Library Association, CASLIS Government Section Next Generation Network

The Survey of Academic Librarians: Satisfaction with Library Employment

I just discovered an interesting report from Primary Research showing that academic librarians in the US and Canada are, overall, satisfied with their employment.

You can read a summary of the report at resource shelf. The full report, unfortunately, is not available for free, but if you want to purchase a copy, you can do so at the Primary Research Group website.

14 July 2010

Social Media Overview

Twitter, Skype, Yammer, Digg, LinkedIn... If you've ever want to know more, check out this wonderful resource that gives an overview of a lot of different social media technologies:

Introduction to Social Media
This resource looks at the key social media technologies and tools and how they can be used for learning and performance enhancement

What makes an academic library?

I just read an interesting article on the American Libraries website about the future of academic libraries. The article addresses the need for space in academic libraries and the resistance from faculty, alumni and students to any plans for making space by moving unused books offsite.

The one certainty is that the continued over-my-dead-body insistence that no
books be removed from campus libraries is an unsustainable position that, sooner
or later, must give way to new ways of managing and using academic
Is an academic library without books still a place of thought and learning, or is it just another internet cafe?

Read The Myth of Browsing by Donald A. Barclay to find out.

12 July 2010

Twitter. Here's why.

Have you wondered why Twitter is so popular?

Here's a great article in the Chicago Sun-Times by Rogert Ebert (of movie review fame) who, even though he has lost his voice, finds himself in conversation more than ever these days. He describes why he is addicted to twitter and what he loves about it.

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!


In case you didn't hear, Ottawa is cool

Did you hear about the tourism article in the Washington Post calling Ottawa 'cool'?

If not, here's the link:

Discovering Canada's Cool Capital

You can read for yourself. It's official - we're cool.


10 July 2010

List of library twitter feeds

I came across this really great list of twitter feeds. I found lots of great stuff going through it and thought you might be interested in checking it out.

It includes a list of twitter feeds by library professionals, job lists, library and information science news, organizations and resources.

100 Best Twitter Feeds for Librarians of the Future


À propos du blogue : Introduction et politiques

Read this message in English
Bienvenue sur le blogue officiel de l’AÉSISSA.

Le blogue est un espace pour partager des informations, poser des questions, commenter et discuter. Il est également un espace où nous pouvons nous amuser. N'hésitez pas à publier des trucs intéressants ou amusants, surtout s’ils touchent le domaine des sciences de l’information et de la bibliothéconomie ou s’ils sont relatifs à notre programme.


Le programme de maîtrise en Sciences de l’information à l'Université d'Ottawa est un programme bilingue. Comme le blogue se veut un espace où les étudiants peuvent se partager de l’information et discuter de sujets d’intérêt de façon informelle, les étudiants sont invités à publier dans la langue officielle de leur choix. Cependant, tous les messages officiels de l'AÉSISSA seront publiés en français et en anglais.

Étiquette de publication

Bien que ce blogue a comme but d’offrir aux étudiants un espace informel d’interaction et de partage, il est toutefois le blogue officiel de l'AÉSISSA et nous tenons à nous présenter comme étant des spécialistes de l’information à la fois professionnels et respectueux. Ainsi, les règles suivantes s'imposent à tout contenu publié sur le blogue, y compris les commentaires.

1. Tout message ou commentaire jugé impropre sera supprimé. Un tel message ou commentaire se définira comme suit :
  • Les commentaires à caractère raciste, haineux, sexiste, homophobe, ou insultant;
  • Les menaces adressées à un individu, un groupe ou une organisation;
  • N’importe quel contenu obscène ou pornographique;
  • Les messages publicitaires ou promotionnelle non sollicité.
2. Toute plainte reçue concernant le contenu du blogue sera examinée et traitée par le Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA.

Le contenu sur le blogue ne reflète pas nécessairement les opinions ni les croyances du Conseil exécutif de l’AÉSISSA.

Devenez auteur du blogue!

Si vous désirez que nous vous ajoutions comme auteur du blogue afin de pouvoir publier votre propre contenu, veuillez envoyer votre adresse Gmail à et nous vous enverrons une invitation. Si vous n'avez pas un compte Gmail, vous pouvez en créer un expressément pour publier sur le blogue; c'est facile et gratuit. Votre adresse courriel ne sera utilisée que pour vous envoyer une invitation; il ne sera pas visible sur le blogue. Si vous préférez ne pas utiliser votre adresse, mais que vous aimeriez quand même publier du contenu, vous pouvez nous le faire parvenir par courriel avec la ligne d'objet « Afficher s’il vous plaît » et votre message sera affiché pour vous par la webmestre.

Questions et commentaires

Toute question, suggestion ou préoccupation concernant le site Web de l'AÉSISSA peut être envoyée à Le contenu des courriels envoyés à AÉSISSA ne sera jamais publié sur le blogue, à moins que l'auteur nous le demande. Les courriels adressés à l'AÉSISSA seront reçus par moi-même, webmestre de l'AÉSISSA.

Amusez-vous bien et n'oubliez pas de partager!

Melanie Hachey

About the blog: Introduction and Policies

Welcome to the official student association blog.

The blog is a space for students to share information, ask questions, comment and discuss. It is also a space to have fun. Feel free to post any interesting or funny stuff you have, especially if it is related to the field of Library and Information Science or to our program.


The Masters of Information Studies program at the University of Ottawa is a bilingual program. Because the blog is intended to be a place where students can share information and discuss topics of interest in an informal way, students are welcome to post in the official language they prefer. Any official messages from AÉSISSA will be posted in both French and English.

Blog Etiquette

While this blog is meant to be an informal space for students to interact and share, it is still the official blog of AÉSISSA and we wish to present ourselves as respectful information professionals. So, the following rules apply to content posted on the blog, including the comments.

1. Any posts or comments that meet any of the following criteria will be removed:
  • Racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic, or insulting
  • Threats directed at an individual, group or organization
  • Obscene, or pornographic materials
  • Unsolicited advertising or promotion
2. Any complaints received regarding content on the blog will be reviewed and handled by the AÉSISSA Executive Council.

The content on the blog does not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the AÉSISSA Executive Council.

Become a Blog Author!

If you want to be added as an author on the blog, so you can post your own content, please send your Gmail address to AÉ and you will be sent an invitation. If you don’t have a Gmail address, you can create one specifically for posting on the blog; it’s easy and free. Your email address will be used to send you an invitation only, it will not be visible on the blog. If you don't want to use your email address but you still want to post content, you can email it to AÉSISSA with the subject line 'Please Post' and it will be posted for you by the Webmaster.

Questions or Comments

Any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding the AÉSISSA Website can be sent to AÉ Emails to AÉSISSA will only be posted on the blog if the author requests. Right now emails sent to AÉSISSA go to me, the Webmaster for AÉSISSA .

Remember to have fun and share!

Melanie Hachey

09 July 2010

ABRCN Social / LANCR Social

PVI/FYI English message follows French message. Desolée l'announce originale de l'ABCRN est en anglais seulement. SVP excusez ma traduction approximative.

-- Melissa

L'Association des bibliothèques de la région de la capitale nationale (ABRCN) vous invite à des soirées luxuriantes entre bibliothèques au pub Royal Oak.

Lieu: Royal Oak - 221 Echo Dr. (près du pont Pretoria)
Dates: Vendredi, 23 juillet et vendredi, 27 août
Heure: n'importe quand après 18 h
Entrée gratuit! (Vous achetez vos propre repas et boissons)

RSVP à ou présentez-vous au Royal Oak!
Veuillez voir le blog de l'ABCRN pour plus de détails:

The Library Association of the National Capital Region (LANCR) invites you to Interlibrary Lush Summer Pub Nights at the Royal Oak.

Location: The Royal Oak - 221 Echo Dr. (near the Pretoria Bridge)
Dates: Friday, July 23rd and Friday, August 27th
Time: anytime after 6 pm
Free admission! (You buy your own drinks/food)

RSVP to or just show up!
Please see the LANCR blog for more details:

05 July 2010

New blog design

Hello all,

Just to let you know, the blog will be taking on a new look to match our upcoming website so that we can present a cohesive online presence.

Please note that this is likely not the final design. The look might change drastically based on your aesthetic input.

Anyway, feel free to voice your opinion and offer any feedback on what you see.

For comparison's sake, here is a screen shot of the blog previously:

